I crown you

I crown you

You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. (Isaiah 62:3)

As David and I approached our first wedding anniversary, I couldn’t help but be struck anew by the depth of our affection and dedication to one another. We genuinely are life partners – souls that were predestined to be together. 

With my remote work, we are together nearly every minute of every day, and that’s precisely how we plan to stay for the rest of our lives. We never get tired of each other’s company—quite the opposite. When David goes out to drive for Uber or to run errands, I miss his presence and greet him with a running hug and kiss when he returns. 

“I just love coming home to you,” he always says, warming my heart further. 

David and I embracing inside our Brunswick, GA screen porch.

Over the past year, David and I have established familiar patterns of behavior – rituals or routines that bond us closer together. We don’t sit apart at the kitchen table, for example. We both bring our chairs together as I wrap my arms around David, pulling him close so that his head rests on my shoulder while we pray before eating. Our “Amen” at prayer’s end is always followed by two or three kisses, sandwiched between “I love you,” spoken affectionately. 

Equally powerful is our daily “crowning” ceremony, wherein I place David’s cross necklace over his head and around his neck. My words always accompany the ritual: “I crown you, Sir David…” followed by a sentiment reminding David of how much he means to me. “I crown you, Sir David, my knight in shining armor, my rescuer and wall breaker,” for example. “I crown you, Sir David, my best friend and soulmate,” might be another. Whatever I say, it’s always encouraging and empowering. I desire to constantly remind David of how much he means to me. Crowning him is my chance to affirm my beloved – positively and upliftingly. 

David’s cross was the first Christmas gift I ever gave him. It came as a set with a separate cross for me that fits inside his. We upgraded our chains to provide David with a longer extension and me a more robust clasp. 

My cross nested inside David’s.

Last November, I was incredibly disheartened to realize I’d lost my cross. I looked everywhere to no avail – eventually searching for a replacement. Nothing matched my cross’s unique fit to David’s – and I despaired at ever seeing it again. 

Months later, while cleaning out our bedroom closet to prepare for our carpet-to-Pergo upgrade project, I found the cross amidst some tote bags on the floor beneath my hanging jackets. While the chain was gone, I was ecstatic to see the cross. Without wasting a moment, I immediately hung it on another chain I found in my jewelry box and placed it around my neck. Losing my cross made me rethink my former continuous wearing, as I don’t want to lose it again. As a result, I’ve begun taking it off in the evenings.

Conversely, David has always taken his chain off overnight – prompting our morning crowning ritual. While he could keep his chain on all the time, we’d miss our daily affirmation ritual, and we could never have that. 

Such a routine reminds me of the importance of our equally valuable daily scripture reading. Just as I drape my love around David’s heart and body each day, so, too, we’re reaffirmed of God’s omnipresent love towards us every time we read our Heavenly Father’s Word. Why wouldn’t we want that daily assurance? 

We serve a God who is timeless in His existence, mighty in His protection, and unquenchable in His love. As undeniable as David’s and my love for one another is, so, too, is our Heavenly Father’s love that brought us together in the first place. We are forever grateful for the miracle of our marriage and God’s hand of protection that keeps us continuously connected.

Even as I crown David each morning, so do I daily crown my beloved Savior as Lord and author of my life. It is His hand that guides me and His love that keeps me strong. Our Heavenly Father’s cord of strength keeps David and I tied together. 

David and I enjoyed a fantastic church meal after serving together with Samaritan’s Purse in Perry, FL in September 2023 – always with our crosses around our necks.

As much as I love crowning David, it’s even more vital for me to constantly affix the omnipotent kingly crown upon my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

And so, I crown you, Lord Jesus, the Lord of all. You made everything beautiful in its time and gave me my precious David. You are the Creator of everything, and I will always love and serve You.

4 Replies to “I crown you”

  1. What an inspirational narrative this is …congratulations on a beautiful first year of marriage.

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