Journey Out of Nineveh
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
So much has happened over the past few weeks that I can hardly put it all into words. I’m dividing my thoughts into multiple blogs to do justice to these life-changing events. This first post will begin where I left off – chronicling what happened following my decision to quit my job without a safety net.
As mentioned in The Darkness Will Not Overwhelm the Light, I lived out my missionary friend’s challenge to go to Nineveh – figuratively if not physically – and testified to everyone I could about my faith. While I will never know if my words and actions meant anything to anyone, I was far from through presenting my case to my team members.
Upon completing my business trip to London, I arrived home physically and mentally exhausted. Between an early morning flight, delayed departure, and an hour-long wait to get through Customs, I nearly missed my connection to Jacksonville, FL. While my suitcase was not so fortunate, I’m grateful to American Airline’s concierge service, which hand-delivered my bag to my home overnight – just in time for my next trek to VA Beach.
While I planned to return to help David finalize his renovations and place his house on the market, I soon learned that David had secretly finished everything while I was traveling. In fact, David had already put a “For Sale by Owner” sign in the yard and had a showing scheduled for the following afternoon – the very day I was driving back up to help him. After nearly two years of renovation work with considerable delays and unforeseen challenges, completion seemed incomprehensible to me.
And yet, David had done it all. Not only had he nearly single-handedly renovated his house – top to bottom – he was ready to begin showcasing his handiwork, hoping the right person might see it and purchase the property. Without any form of advertising or the use of any realty services, he scheduled someone to visit the property on his own – a staggering accomplishment, to say the least.
After a good night’s rest, I set out with our two kitties and began my northward travel. I was excited about seeing David again and eager to tell him my plans to trust God and quit my job. I felt peace and joy on that ride, knowing that my Heavenly Father controlled everything.
It was great to know that we were finally ending the renovation work. Since David and I met, he’s done nothing but renovate and restore homes. In Ft. Myers, he and I worked and lived in the house we gutted with Samaritan’s Purse – as detailed in my blog post: “Building an ark is never easy but always worth it.”
David then went on to restore and rebuild a second home in Ft. Myers – completing all but a few small projects. He would have finished it all were it not for another essential engagement he had to keep – getting married to me just five months after we met in a disaster zone while serving with Samaritan’s Purse (see Surrender – Samaritan’s Purse Deployment, Part 7).
When our Perfectly Loved saga culminated in our wedding, the renovation work of David’s house began in earnest. One year and nine months later, we were finally ending what we’d lived with as long as we’d been married – traveling between two states each month to renovate and sell his former house. It almost seemed too good to be true, yet here we were, standing on the precipice of something extraordinary.
Fifteen minutes after David’s house showing began, I called to ask if he was parked close to see how long the Realtor took with his prospects. “They were inside with me for 15 minutes,” David replied. “They’re out back now.”
“You’re there?” I asked incredulously. “I didn’t realize that. You’re showing the house yourself?”
“Yes,” David said. “I never intended for anyone to come in without me being here.” While I was still on the phone with him, the buyers returned to ask more questions.
After they left, David called to tell me that the buyers were builders themselves who were helping their friend buy his first home. “They loved it,” David said. “It was great to hear them appreciate all the quality work I’d put into the renovation. They could totally understand my vision.”
Hearing this news made me happy, as I knew no matter what, David had received validation of his skills with this visit. “I’m so proud of you, David!” I told him. “You are amazing! No matter what happens, I’m so glad you heard this affirmation of your incredible abilities from someone who could really appreciate all your hard work.”
After hanging up, I continued my drive, even more excited than ever to see David. I sang along with every praise song on my Pandora app – eagerly anticipating sharing my decision to quit my job with my husband. I knew this was just the start of good things to come.
Less than an hour later, David called me back on Facetime – while I was driving. “Are you ready?” he began.
“Oh, my gosh,” I replied. “Tell me! I’m ready!”
“We got a full price offer!” David exclaimed. “Full price! The Realtor just called me back. He’s writing everything up now.”
“Oh, my gosh!” I replied. “I’m so happy for you, love! You deserve this so much! But wow! You just put the sign up. This is absolutely incredible!”
“It is, love,” David replied. “We did this together. And you know what this means? Quit your job, love. We’re going to be okay. You need to quit your job.”
Hearing these words spoken out loud nearly undid me. As the tears poured down my face, I was speechless. David didn’t know I’d already decided to do just that.
“David,” I was finally able to say. “You just don’t know. God is so good! I hadn’t even told you this yet, but I spent my entire flight back from London writing my next blog. I made a decision yesterday morning to give everything to God and stop saying, ‘I trust God, but…’ I wanted to tell you in person that I was going to quit and give everything to Him. And now, less than a day later, you’ve sold the house? I can hardly believe what a God we serve! Look at what great things He has done!”
As David laughed, the two of us praised our Heavenly Father together. I told him a scriptural passage perfectly summarized how I felt. Ephesians 3: 20-21 says, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”
I reminded David that when we surrender – just as we both did when He gave us each other in FL – He gives us more than we can ever ask for and imagine. After hanging up, I called my brother, mom, and best friend to share the incredible news with all of them. We all laughed, cried, and praised God together – all while I was driving to see my husband after one of the longest journeys of my life.
Upon arriving in VA Beach, I could hardly get out of the car fast enough to throw my arms around my husband in celebration. God had given David affirmation of his talent and abilities and brought a buyer to our home just two days after putting a yard sign out – a nearly impossible feat in a challenging real estate market.
But nothing is impossible with Christ. That fact has been consistently affirmed throughout my lifetime.
And now, my exodus from Nineveh would continue in earnest – with a new testimony affirming my stance. What I’d prayed for and had countless others pray for with me over the entire three-month period I worked at my former job was coming to fruition. I was quitting for the first time in my lifetime without another job lined up. Nevertheless, I had complete peace in doing so.
Even without David’s house sale, I knew we would be okay. But, boy, oh boy, was I glad I had decided to leave and trust God without a safety net. It makes the results even more astonishing. I trusted God, and He immediately rained down His blessings on me and David in affirmation of my faith.
The next day, I was eager to quit, but it was not meant to be. My boss returned from London extremely sick, so I needed to postpone my resignation discussion until the next day. It was hard to contain myself then, but I did so, as I knew I needed to do this the right way – face-to-face over Zoom since we couldn’t meet in person. When I finally shared the news with her, she was shocked.
I started the conversation by repeating her words from a previous team meeting. “Yesterday, you mentioned that ‘intentionality around culture is so important.’ You told us that we need to ‘feel it, breathe it, live it.’”
As she sat up in her chair, eagerly anticipating me saying that I was wholly on board, I hit her with the opposite. “I can’t do that,” I said instead.
Her face immediately altered, and she sat back hard in her chair. “I’m sorry,” she replied. “What did you say? I’m not sure I heard you.”
“I can’t do that,” I repeated. “It’s been an honor to work for you and I have great respect for you, but this isn’t the job for me. If I may, I’d like to read you something I’ve prepared in explanation.”
After expressing her disappointment and with her hand on her heart, my boss invited me to proceed.
“This role requires someone to embrace your culture,” I began. “That culture stands in direct contrast to my faith. There is a difference between the religion of Christianity and someone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have the latter. As an evangelical Christian, my life revolves around my relationship with Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior. Jesus is the light of the world. He saved my soul, and His blood covers my sins. I don’t need anything more than Him.”
“I don’t need to meditate on myself to feel peace,” I continued. “My JOY comes from putting Jesus first, Others second, and then myself. What I’ve seen here is that finding Self through spiritual practices is what is fostered. That mindset stands in direct opposition to my beliefs.”
“My meditation focuses on following Christ with my whole life. Doing so means everything to me. My daily walk with my Heavenly Father is what I feel, breathe, and live. It’s what my life is built upon – and there is no compromise in that.”
“You need someone in this role who embraces your culture and wants this job to be their life. That can never be me. As I said when I accepted the role, I can’t worship anything other than God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. I worship the Divine Creator – not what He created, including myself. Anything apart from that is blasphemous to me and hurts my spirit. I can’t ever support that mindset.”
With all that said, I gave my two-week notice and surrendered everything to God – again. I wasn’t sure what would follow, but what my Heavenly Father gave me was astounding. Both virtually and in writing, my boss told me she admired me for standing for my faith. “You have a beautiful heart, and I admire your commitment to listening to your own inner wisdom about what is the next best step for you,” she wrote in response to my official resignation letter.
At her request, I only notified a few others I worked with about my departure – which, blessedly, came during the holidays, so many of my team members were on vacation. No matter who I wrote, I was determined to keep shining my light and praising my Savior, who I knew would sustain me. I will save a few of the responses I received for a future post.
And now, I must return to my story regarding David’s house sale, as we eventually turned down our initial offer. The buyer wanted us to pay nearly $10,000 in his closing costs – which we didn’t feel David’s hard work warranted. Stepping out in faith, we again showed the house to two more prospects. The first wanted to rent it and said he’d crunch the numbers and get back to us. He never did.
The second showing occurred after a potential buyer stopped by with her grandchildren. We couldn’t let her in as I was on a work call during her first impromptu visit. She arranged to come back a few days later with her Realtor. Before leaving, she made another full-price offer – this time without a clause for us to pay a thing. The buyer gave us her earnest money before leaving in her car. After passing two home inspections with flying colors, we sold the house – again.
This time, the buyer and her Realtor were both Christians. This time, we all gave God the praise and glory before anyone even left the house. This time, we knew God ordained the sale – just one week after we put a “For Sale by Owner” sign in the yard – to a buyer who didn’t even live in the neighborhood, without a Realtor to help us or with any form of advertisement other than a yard sign.
This time, our Heavenly Father brought a Christian buyer who will bring her grandchildren and a continual line of foster pets into the home that David and I always prayed would be alive and joyful after we left. We could not be more grateful!

David’s house sale will finalize mid-January 2025, and the last day of my employment was December 31st. What follows will have to wait until my next post.
Suffice it to say that God is sufficient. As 2 Corinthians 9:8 tells us, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” God’s Word also says, “Consequently, He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25)
I went to Nineveh and did what God asked me to do. I testified to His power and mercy before, during, and after I walked through the door of this pagan city and culture. I knew this would be a difficult journey – but God sustained me. Throughout all the tears, questioning, and prayers that I and others submitted on my behalf, I never doubted God would see me through it all. Still, the way that He did continues to astound me.
We can never outgive God – even if all we give is ourselves. Our Heavenly Father sacrificed His Son on the cross to save us from paying the cost of our sins. There can be no more extraordinary gift or significant demonstration of love than that. How could I ever keep my light – God’s light inside of me – undercover, sustaining anything other than what God asks me to?
The answer is I can’t, and I won’t. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us to “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
God’s faithfulness sustained me through my journey out of Nineveh. God’s mercy saved me from any further days of living in an oppressive environment. God’s love held me up when I was beaten down by the spiritual forces that were battling to silence my witness. And God’s power gave me the voice to sing His praise and testify to His all-sustaining grace.
I am unashamed to give my thanks, praise, and glory to God. How could I not? Look at the great things He has done!