Tag: #BeEmpowered

Silent no more, I’m just getting started

Silent no more, I’m just getting started

“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.” (Acts 18:9)

When I first created this blog a few years ago, I did so with the sole purpose of writing to uplift, encourage, and strengthen others by sharing stories of how my Heavenly Father has led me along life’s journey. I had written a monthly political column for a legacy media publication in my former hometown and knew I could comment on politics without issue. This forum, I thought, should be different. I worked for a church at the time, and my conservative values were embraced by those I rubbed shoulders with daily. My voice was safe, protected, and appreciated. 

Today, I work for an organization that might not take kindly to knowing my views. I need my job, I reasoned. It’s best to stay quiet, share political thoughts with like-minded individuals, and work quietly in the background. I’m not sure that reasoning is wise anymore. A still, soft voice in my head tells me that the time to remain silent is no more. 

As Christians, we are called to share one another’s burdens, cry with those who weep, and rejoice with those who are happy. I always strive to do so.

But what can I do to help those who are afraid? How can I empower other conservatives out there who are as outraged, frightened, saddened, and concerned as I am about what’s happening in our nation – about the moral decay, shocking headlines, and lost innocence that daily digs its heels ever deeper into our culture? Why do other Christians and I often feel compelled to stay silent? Should the majority remain meek and mute when they see injustice solely because they fear the spotlight being redirected onto them instead? Isn’t that why degradation has prevailed, churches have pandered, and minds have been plied into welcoming what would never have been tolerated even a decade ago? 

I applaud pastors who speak up against the evils they see happening around them today – but such acts of bravery are few and far between. Most have purposely decided to follow the liberal mindset that keeps the church and state separate – a premise never intended by our nation’s Christian founders – let alone the disciples of the early church. Weren’t New Testament believers willing to be beaten, imprisoned, and martyred for their faith? How much more should we who don’t face such persecution be shouting about today? 

This morning, as I faced a challenging workday, I joined our weekly organizational meeting only to hear how my “woke” employer would reimburse employees who needed to travel across state lines for abortions in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade. In that same meeting, corporate leaders were happy to announce that, in addition to daily meditation classes, there would also be a virtual “Drag Queen Trivia” session over the lunch hour on Tuesday. On Wednesday, “Safe Space Conversations” will feature the topic of “Corporate Representations of Pride: Pandering or Progress?” On Thursday, the organization will provide an open session on “LGBTQ Mental Health” for anyone who’d like to attend. 

How I wish I could just scream, enough! Whatever happened to the workplace being just that – a place to work and not proselytize? I can’t talk about anything related to my faith – which forms the very core of my being – and yet what someone chooses to do in their bedroom seems to have become the bully pulpit of my corporation’s identity.   

I was still pondering such things when I sat down to lunch today. After opening my Kindle to continue my daily scripture reading, my eyes immediately went to the center of the page. There, my eyes locked on the following verse: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.” (Acts 18:9) Did I just read what I thought I did? I read it again. The complete verse states, “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.’” 

I couldn’t have been more thunderstruck had God sent a lightning bolt down from the sky to strike me in the head. I’ve never received a more explicit message. I will no longer be afraid and wish someone else would say what I’m thinking. I will not be frightened into refusing to use this forum to speak truth over lies, even if it’s not politically correct. Even if it costs me my job, I will stand for my faith – in all areas of my life. I trust my Savior. And I will speak what He places on my heart. After all, someone has to. Why not me? 

God gave me this platform for a purpose. He made me an encourager for a reason. My Creator blessed me with discernment not to keep to myself but to share with others. I pray that my words will embolden fellow believers. As long as God allows me to do so, I will use the voice that He gave me for His purpose. While this form of encouragement may not have been what I initially envisioned for my blog, I feel compelled to use it this way now. 

Stick with me, readers. Learn with me. Grow closer to God with me as I stand unafraid to speak out against the world’s evil. Fasten your seatbelts. We may be in for a bumpy ride. 

And I’m just getting started.