Use this year wisely for Christ
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)
What a difference a year makes! When I think back to where I was in January 2023, I’m astounded by all that’s happened in such a short expanse of time to bring me to where I am today.

At this time last year, I was temporarily living in a home with Hurricane Ian victims Herm and Nancy while David was restoring and improving their house to its pre-flood state and beyond. Just as this couple could never have foreseen the floodwaters that would overtake their home and destroy nearly all their worldly possessions, so I could never have imagined that God would send me a husband whose love would fill my earthly experience with more of Christ’s peace, joy, and tranquility than I’d ever before encountered in my lifetime. I’m still in awe of the miracle of finding my soulmate in such an unexpected and God-ordained manner.

While I’ve experienced indescribable joy in the power of my Creator’s presence my whole life and have consistently marveled at the grandeur of His creation, I now have someone to share these emotions with. Meager words can hardly quantify how satisfying that experience has become. Knowing that someone loves me unconditionally is empowering and imminently gratifying. Considering how much of my life I’ve spent feeling that I could never be good enough, such an assessment is even more special.

What lies ahead from here remains to be seen. I’m goal-driven, so I, along with most of the world, can’t help but consider what I hope to achieve in the coming year. According to a December 2023 poll by CBS News/YouGov, the top desires of those surveyed are all materially-based: improved health (94%), exercise (88%), spend more time with people [they] care about (84%), and diet/eat better (81%). Additionally, top resolutions for America boast a similar vein, with 74% of those polled hoping to take more time off, 70% to spend less time online, 60% to work harder (a surprising answer to me), and 29% vowing to earn more online connections. The latter seems a sad testament to the health of the world’s relationships.
I can’t help but feel disheartened at the superficiality of these responses. Apart from the “spend more time with people [they] care about” comment, everything else seems inward-looking and somewhat self-absorbed. While I will grant that resolutions should be somewhat internally focused, why are all these comments geared towards self-improvement rather than charitable and external thinking? Where are the “read my Bible more, help others, and learn to give more unselfishly” resolutions?

As the media continually speaks about the need for more peace, trust, and kindness in the world, I puzzle over where the thoughts and actions are to back up such lofty ideals. Have we all solely become messengers of rhetoric rather than action? What are we doing to help the missionaries, evangelists, and charities make the world a better place? Are we ready to assist them in their ministry or grumble about how bad society is getting? Will we complain our way through the year while we seek self-improvement rather than the betterment of others? Are any more of us willing to go, speak, and live out our faith in a hurting world that needs us? Do we consider how many people need the light of Christ through the ministry of our two hands and feet? How many of us will say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me!”?
Conversely, these are my top three goals for 2024:
- Read through the Bible with my husband. I’ve read God’s Holy Word three times by myself. I look forward to diving deeper with the man I love as we continue to grow in our faith and trust in God.
- Write more words of Christ’s encouragement for others. In addition to my blog, I hope to move my Yay, God book concept past the outline I’ve created to a full-fledged manuscript that I can publish to encourage whoever I can. I aim to share my story and the wisdom God places upon my heart daily.
- Shine God’s light in every area of my life. While this is my eternal goal, I place it on my top three list for 2024 to remind me of the importance of the same. I serve an invisible God; therefore, I know I must be the hands, feet, and love of my Savior to everyone I meet – in and out of the workplace. I’m praying that God will give me new opportunities to do so this year.
While I have other goals for the year – such as seeing more of the world, helping David complete his VA Beach house renovation, and installing new flooring in our GA home, for example – I wanted my top three ambitions to revolve around Christ and my faith. Truthfully, I can hardly imagine what my Heavenly Father has in store for me in the days ahead. I might face gut-wrenching trials or new levels of triumph – grander than anything I’ve ever encountered. Only God knows what the future holds, and that’s good enough for me. I only ask Christ to use me as He sees fit – today, tomorrow, and through all the days He has written for me in His book. I want to use all the time I have been given to serve my Savior in any way possible.
I love You, Lord. I trust You. I serve You. I am Yours, and You are mine. May I accomplish whatever you have designed for me to do in the coming days. May it be so – in the year to come and forevermore.