Category: Encouragement

It had to be you

It had to be you

“You turned my mourning into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” (Psalm 30:11) 

David and I are blessed to have traveled to Puerto Rico to celebrate our first wedding anniversary on March 12th. In Spanish, we can now say, “Nos casamos el año pasado.” Translation? “We got married last year!” With our Frontier “Go Wild” passes and a $100 flight voucher, we flew round trip for $29. During our week there, we stayed in two separate locations, basking in the subtropical sunshine and crystal-clear waters of the West Indies.  

View from the balcony of our Fajardo, Puerto Rico condo.

More than a vacation, this journey served as a celebration to commemorate our first year together as husband and wife. We’d been counting the days to mark this milestone for quite some time, and our patience was well rewarded with an outstanding getaway filled with love and laughter – much as our marriage has been.  

Humacao Nature Reserve, Punta Santiago, Puerto Rico

“I love being your husband,” David remarked as we awoke on our anniversary morning. “I love that you’re my wife. It was so clear.” 

“What was clear?” I asked, slowly shaking the last tendrils of sleep from my subconscious mind.  

“That God gave you to me,” David replied.  

“It had to be you,” I affirmed. “Since before we were born, it has always been you. I love you, David Robert Olson.” 

“I love you, Sara Victoria Olson,” came the consistent response. “I love you so much!” 

View of the eastern Puerto Rican coastline from the El Yunque rainforest.

And so, our anniversary began – as all our days do: beautifully, blissfully, blessed.  

David and I consistently wake up snuggling and proclaiming how much we love one another every morning. It’s such an affirming way to start each day. David recognized this fantastic phenomenon early into our marriage. “I love how we always wake up the same way. Every day. So in love. I know we’ll always be this way.” And so we are.  

Every morning, David rolls onto his back, unspokenly inviting me to nestle inside the crook of his shoulder, our bodies pretzeled in our natural state of togetherness. We can never get enough kissing, hugging, and holding each other.  

Sharing a kiss next to an ancient Ceiba tree, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

“Every time feels like the first time,” David always says. ” I waited a lifetime for this and can never get enough.”   

“Me, too,” I say. “I love you so much! I am so happy. Content. Complete. You complete me, David. You are the biggest blessing of my life, and I will always love you.”  

Shouting “Yay, God” on the beach of Punta Santiago, Puerto Rico.

As we enjoyed the final day of our anniversary trip to Puerto Rico, it struck me that our time there was an amplified reflection of our marriage – rejuvenating, restorative, and re-energizing.  

Shouting “Yay, God” after being pronounced husband and wife on March 12, 2023.

Looking back over our last year, I’m struck by all the incredible things we’ve done together with God’s help.

Personal milestones:

Helping Hurricane Idalia victims in Perry,FL.
  • Declared victory over David’s prostate cancer scare 
  • Served with Samaritan’s Purse to help Hurricane Idalia victims in Perry, FL
  • Made twelve round trips between Brunswick, GA to Virginia Beach, VA where we performed the following renovations to David’s former house:
    • Re-shingled the roof
    • Re-painted the exterior vinyl siding 
    • Added Pergo flooring to the living room, primary bedroom, office, and hallway 
    • Re-painted the living room, primary bedroom, office, bathroom, and hallway
    • Re-modeled the office to include the removal of the popcorn ceiling, re-wired and replaced the drywall on all the walls
  • Removed the carpet from our primary bedroom, hallway, and living room in our Brunswick, GA home and replaced it with Pergo flooring
  • Designed and built a new 10-foot by 12-foot addition onto our Brunswick, GA shed

Side-job completions:

Enjoying a break while re-screening a porch in Chesapeake, VA.
  • Re-screened a screen porch, repaired the porch door, added a new door, created concrete steps, and poured a concrete step-down pad 
  • Removed an old in-ground fire-pit and created a new one with a circular paver patio
  • Repaired and replaced portions of a wooden fence and fence posts
  • Stripped and re-stained six wooden church doors 
  • Repaired a leaking wooden barn roof 
  • Rebuilt a church storage shed

Two-week Italian honeymoon:

St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy
  • Visited 12 Italian cities – touring 15 chapels/basilicas, staying in 5 vacation homes and hiking over 75 total miles 
  • Drove like an Italian on busy highways and narrow mountain roads
  • Visited the Roman Colosseum and Forum
  • Danced on a city sidewalk adjacent to the Roman Forum at dusk 
  • Toured the Vatican Museums
  • Participated in an Italian mass in the Roman Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Survived an attempted pickpocket attempt onboard an inner-city Roman subway 
  • Lived in a Medieval tower home for four nights in Assisi 
  • Enjoyed a free, operatic concert featuring Mozart and Schubert in the Centuries-old Basilica of St Francis in Assisi 
  • Took part in an Italian religious pageant during the festival of St. Francis on my birthday 
  • Ascended and toured the crumbling, cliff-side town of Civita de Bagnoregio before it disappears 
  • Stayed overnight at two agriturismo farms surrounded by private Tuscan vineyards
  • Hiked seven miles up and across the seaside cliffs from Monterroso al Mare to Vernazza in Cinque Terre  
  • Viewed world-renowned artwork like Michelangelo’s David in Florence and the Sistine Chapel in Rome 
  • Shopped for groceries in seven local markets
  • Swam in the Italian Riviera  
  • Viewed the tombs of Galileo, Michelangelo, and Dante in Florence’s Basilica de Santa Croce
  • Drove in the dark through a tiny Tuscan alleyway so small that we had to pull our rental car mirrors in to keep them from breaking off 
  • Mastered the intricacies of the Italian transit system, including the Roman subway and Florentine buses  

First Christmas together:

  • Celebrated in the FL Keys at David’s friend’s condo in Tavernier
  • Kayaked to Kalteux Key 
  • Fed Pelicans and tarpon in Islamorada
  • Relived part of David’s past while visiting the hotel where he spent many fall days repainting and repairing hotel rooms for his friend, the former co-owner

Worked remotely from Oceanside, CA:

Hiking the Pacific coast cliffs at Torrey Pines Natural State Reserve, CA.
  • Toured the San Diego Zoo 
  • Hiked Torrey Pines Natural State Reserve to see California’s sandstone cliffs 
  • Watched countless sea lions, cormorants, and pelicans frolic in and around the La Jolla shoreline
  • Survived driving the San Diego freeway at rush hour

One-year wedding anniversary in Puerto Rico:

  • Visited Seven Seas Beach – world renowned for its beauty  
  • Hiked to the deserted and colorful Playa Colorá  
  • Sat in crystal clear water near a coral reef – watching the fish play in the Reserva Natural de San Juan 
  • Discovered massive, innumerable termite nests big enough for a person to sit inside 
  • Witnessed wild iguanas, horses, roosters, and chickens crossing the roads 
  • Hiked through the centuries-old Castillo San Felipe del Morro in San Juan – a six-story, impregnable fort proclaimed a World Heritage site  
  • Hiked a 7-mile trail in El Yunque – the only rainforest on U.S. soil  
  • Discovered both freshly dug and recently covered iguana nests  
  • Stood eight feet away from a female iguana that had just dug her nest in a tropical preserve  

While these highlights are tremendous, our marriage’s unquantifiable love and prolific partnership are even more impressive. It’s the small things, like those listed below, that mean the most to me: 

  • Our perpetual hugs and kisses whenever we’re in close proximity to one another
  • The way our heads have to touch when we pray
  • The way we kiss and say “I love you” after “Amen” every time we pray 
  • Our daily ritualized “Crowning Ceremony” 
  • The way David looks at me with love in his eyes as I run to him after we’re apart 
  • Nightly cuddle time on the couch, watching historical or British dramas we both enjoy 
  • The way David sat by me in the coastal Puerto Rican forest as we both waited for an iguana to move so I could film it 
  • Our shared love of kitties and all God’s creatures 
  • A visceral need to continually affirm our appreciation and love for one another  
  • Our joint commitment to daily Bible readings together, holding each other accountable to both God and one another 
  • Being a part of “Team Olson” – the first, best, and only team I’ve ever belonged to

While we have seen and done so much in the short year we’ve had together, the little things make our relationship exceedingly precious. I’m continually in awe of the way we love each other more each day than we did the day before – which can only be thanks to God. I am so grateful. 

It had to be David. No one else could ever be what David is to me. Our love is too perfect, affirming, and precious to have come from anything else but our Heavenly Father.  

But it also had to be God – first and foremost in our lives. Without God, there would be no David and Sara – and we are forever grateful to our Creator for bringing us together. He turned our mourning into dancing – and we will never stop thanking our Heavenly Father for His precious gift of dependable, uplifting, empowering, re-energizing, unconditional love.  

And so, I end by saying, Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for saving, loving, and giving me such a precious, incomparable gift of love, love, love. I can never thank you enough. I am so undeserving and wholly humbled by such a massive life-changing gift. 

Exterior wall of the Pitti Palace, Florence, Italy.
I crown you

I crown you

You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. (Isaiah 62:3)

As David and I approached our first wedding anniversary, I couldn’t help but be struck anew by the depth of our affection and dedication to one another. We genuinely are life partners – souls that were predestined to be together. 

With my remote work, we are together nearly every minute of every day, and that’s precisely how we plan to stay for the rest of our lives. We never get tired of each other’s company—quite the opposite. When David goes out to drive for Uber or to run errands, I miss his presence and greet him with a running hug and kiss when he returns. 

“I just love coming home to you,” he always says, warming my heart further. 

David and I embracing inside our Brunswick, GA screen porch.

Over the past year, David and I have established familiar patterns of behavior – rituals or routines that bond us closer together. We don’t sit apart at the kitchen table, for example. We both bring our chairs together as I wrap my arms around David, pulling him close so that his head rests on my shoulder while we pray before eating. Our “Amen” at prayer’s end is always followed by two or three kisses, sandwiched between “I love you,” spoken affectionately. 

Equally powerful is our daily “crowning” ceremony, wherein I place David’s cross necklace over his head and around his neck. My words always accompany the ritual: “I crown you, Sir David…” followed by a sentiment reminding David of how much he means to me. “I crown you, Sir David, my knight in shining armor, my rescuer and wall breaker,” for example. “I crown you, Sir David, my best friend and soulmate,” might be another. Whatever I say, it’s always encouraging and empowering. I desire to constantly remind David of how much he means to me. Crowning him is my chance to affirm my beloved – positively and upliftingly. 

David’s cross was the first Christmas gift I ever gave him. It came as a set with a separate cross for me that fits inside his. We upgraded our chains to provide David with a longer extension and me a more robust clasp. 

My cross nested inside David’s.

Last November, I was incredibly disheartened to realize I’d lost my cross. I looked everywhere to no avail – eventually searching for a replacement. Nothing matched my cross’s unique fit to David’s – and I despaired at ever seeing it again. 

Months later, while cleaning out our bedroom closet to prepare for our carpet-to-Pergo upgrade project, I found the cross amidst some tote bags on the floor beneath my hanging jackets. While the chain was gone, I was ecstatic to see the cross. Without wasting a moment, I immediately hung it on another chain I found in my jewelry box and placed it around my neck. Losing my cross made me rethink my former continuous wearing, as I don’t want to lose it again. As a result, I’ve begun taking it off in the evenings.

Conversely, David has always taken his chain off overnight – prompting our morning crowning ritual. While he could keep his chain on all the time, we’d miss our daily affirmation ritual, and we could never have that. 

Such a routine reminds me of the importance of our equally valuable daily scripture reading. Just as I drape my love around David’s heart and body each day, so, too, we’re reaffirmed of God’s omnipresent love towards us every time we read our Heavenly Father’s Word. Why wouldn’t we want that daily assurance? 

We serve a God who is timeless in His existence, mighty in His protection, and unquenchable in His love. As undeniable as David’s and my love for one another is, so, too, is our Heavenly Father’s love that brought us together in the first place. We are forever grateful for the miracle of our marriage and God’s hand of protection that keeps us continuously connected.

Even as I crown David each morning, so do I daily crown my beloved Savior as Lord and author of my life. It is His hand that guides me and His love that keeps me strong. Our Heavenly Father’s cord of strength keeps David and I tied together. 

David and I enjoyed a fantastic church meal after serving together with Samaritan’s Purse in Perry, FL in September 2023 – always with our crosses around our necks.

As much as I love crowning David, it’s even more vital for me to constantly affix the omnipotent kingly crown upon my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

And so, I crown you, Lord Jesus, the Lord of all. You made everything beautiful in its time and gave me my precious David. You are the Creator of everything, and I will always love and serve You.

Thunked by Satan

Thunked by Satan

In my last post, I wrote about the one-week jaunt David and I took to San Diego, CA. What I haven’t shared yet is how the Devil tried to attack us and steal our joy along the way. 

Satan is tricky. There’s no doubt about that. Sometimes, the bombs he throws at us are debilitating and painful – a frightening medical prognosis, a vehicle accident, a lost job. Whack. Whack. Whack. The gut-punches take our breath away. We can feel the prize-fighting jabs even as we struggle to our feet and attempt to stand up in faith. 

At other times, Satan ambushes us with more subtle and sinister assaults. Like a child banging on a pot with a spoon, the Devil may get under our skin by thunking us with little things – a disappointment, a harsh word from a friend, even a bad experience in rush-hour traffic. It makes no difference what he uses to bring us down. That’s always his goal. 

Satan can’t strip us of our salvation. What he can do is stop our praise and service to Christ – and he will stop at nothing to do so. Whenever we take our eyes off our blessings and rest them squarely on our circumstances, he wins. We are often way too quick to forfeit our calm for his chaos. Every day, he works vigilantly to test us – and too often, we give in. 

For me, the thunking began when we woke up in Colorado after our long layover. After spending the night at my mom’s house, David and I planned to eat breakfast, then zip to the airport for our 11:00 am Mountain Time (MT) flight that would have gotten us into San Diego by 2:00 pm Pacific Time (PT). We should have had plenty of time to grab our rental car, sightsee along the coast, and then drive an hour to settle into our vacation home long before dark. 

Snowy mountaintops visible from our flight from Denver to San Diego.

Instead, I woke that Sunday morning to find that our flight had been delayed by four-and-a-half hours – without explanation. Apart from missing a half-day in San Diego, I knew right away that we wouldn’t be able to pick up our pre-paid rental car before the site closed for the day. My call to the agency advising them of our delay and plea for a later pick-up fell on deaf ears. I was told that no changes were allowed. The car couldn’t be held and picked up the following day. 

Thunk. Satan’s blow hit my gut. I would lose my pre-paid rental fees with this turn of events. How was I going to react to this jab? The choice was up to me. And so, I began to pray. 

While I was disappointed with the delay and additional expense of renting a new car, I was determined not to let it get to me. Even more so, I would praise God for the delay instead of getting upset. After all, we had extra time with my mom and brother, which was a tremendous blessing. I was also traveling to San Diego with my husband, which was a splendid reason to rejoice. David and I made the best of it and were soon on the ground in California, marveling at the three-story-tall palm trees and the promise of a new adventure. Yay, God!

David and me outside the San Diego airport at twilight.

Although this trip wasn’t a vacation, my remote work afforded me with the opportunity to start my day long before dawn in PT while keeping my regular Eastern Time zone (ET) hours. Starting early also gave us open afternoons to explore the area – an advantage we were more than happy to capitalize upon. 

As a bonus, the three-day Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend afforded us a full, sunny day to tour the San Diego Zoo on Monday. After purchasing discounted tickets online, our next challenge was finding someplace to print paper tickets on a holiday in a city we’d never visited. And so, we prayed. 

Thunk. It’s always something, I thought. 

David and I loved hearing all about the San Diego Zoo’s inhabitants from atop a double-decker tour bus, included in the park’s admission.

Not easily deterred, I began searching online for an open office supply store somewhere near us. Praise God! We found one! Although the shop was across town, and I missed a few turns, our delay was nominal. We soon had our tickets and were on our way to the zoo. 

Throughout the day, David and I thanked God continuously for the privilege of visiting this world-renowned zoological park. With this fantastic activity, we more than made up for our lost time on Sunday. 

Then Tuesday happened. At precisely 8:00 am, we were shocked to hear the noise of a Bobcat tractor – grinding and beeping as it reversed gears just outside our condo window. Peering outside, we discovered cloudy skies, high winds, and a construction crew making back-and-forth passes between the interior courtyard and the street in front of us. As it turned out, our peaceful getaway spot had become a construction zone overnight, and the weather had taken a considerable turn for the worse. 

Thunk. Thunk. Satan’s banging had started again. 

Rather than getting angry, I prayed before penning a diplomatic letter to our property manager – including photos and videos of the construction activity. After complimenting them on our accommodations, I expressed disappointment at not being informed of the significant renovation work happening around us for the remainder of our stay. Much to my delight, we were given a generous return of a sizeable chunk of our vacation rental fees. Ultimately, the ordeal became one more item to thank God for in our noon-day prayers. 

While watching the ongoing construction and deciding what we’d do on this less-than-perfect day, we met a fellow vacationer who advised us that we could see sea lions in an area not far from where we were staying. Despite the coolness of the afternoon and the cloudy weather, David and I were thrilled to walk roughly a mile and a half to see these hefty and humorous pinnipeds vying for space along a floating platform near the marina in Oceanside, CA. Had the weather been better and the construction not happened, we might never have encountered the neighbor who helped guide our unexpectedly happy afternoon. The victory belonged to God, yet again!

On Wednesday, we traveled to Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and hiked up to the cliffs that make this area so scenic. While cloudy and cool during our hike, by the time we arrived at the picturesque “Beach Walk” trail and overlook, the skies had cleared to reveal a spectacular oceanside panorama that only a Divine Creator could orchestrate. The unique patterns carved into the natural sandstone cliffs by rain only added to the magnificence of this place. 

Thursday being our warmest and sunniest day, David and I opted to travel down the coast to La Jolla to visit their unique claim to fame – the magnificent Seal Beach. Despite its name, this area is more highly populated by sea lions, cormorants, and pelicans. While I had been dreaming about this type of event for years, nothing could have prepared me for the experience of seeing such an abundance of wildlife in its natural habitat. 

The sea lions along La Jolla beach congregate together along the cliffs.

After finding a rare parking spot along the main street, David and I caught our first glimpse of the La Jolla cliffs, which were teeming with pelicans and cormorants. With barely a foot or two between them, the birds rested on cliff faces and along the adjoining rocky shore walls. Whether the birds were preening, sunning, or showing off to potential mates, the rocks were brimming with seemingly hundreds of them. I could hardly thank God enough for this exceptional encounter with His magnificent creation in its native domain. 

As we moved down the La Jolla Cove, the sea lions became more numerous – taking full advantage of the beautiful coastline to put on quite a show for David, me, and the hundreds of other tourists visiting this area. Oblivious to their onlookers, these pinnipeds went about their regular sea and shore activities – seemingly without a care in the world. From the napping sea lion on the beach whose head rested on a rocky pillow to the young pinniped raucously frolicking together along the rocky plateaus, the whole scene surpassed my wildest expectations. I could have sat and watched these animated creatures for days. 

Remaining a safe distance away, I couldn’t help but capture this moment on the beautiful La Jolla Cove seashore with a sleeping sea lion behind my right shoulder.

As an avid wildlife enthusiast, I couldn’t get enough of the majestic biosphere in front of my eyes. Like a scene from a Discovery Channel documentary, something magical was happening everywhere I looked. Whether it was the large bull chasing other males away from his prized mating spot between the sandy shore and the jagged rocks or the adolescent youths who struggled to find the best haul-out locations along the rocky cliffs, I knew I had been given yet another gift from God in witnessing such grandeur. 

As darkness descended, we reluctantly returned to our car only to discover that our leisurely half-hour return trip had grown to an estimated hour-and-a-half in crazy traffic. As David and I crept out of town, one slow street at a time, the tension in our car was palpable as we both had different ideas about which lanes to be in. I turned off the radio to concentrate even as David wanted to listen to music to relax. 

And so, I began praying again. I could practically hear the Devil’s thunking as we crept out of La Jolla only to be blitzed by the frenzied drivers that sped along the six lanes of traffic with four merging arteries along the chaotic San Diego freeway. As traffic repeatedly surged and stopped several nerve-shattering times along the way, I couldn’t help but grip the steering wheel a bit tighter amidst all the chaos of a California rush hour. 

Once we’d returned to our condo, I thanked God for our safe passage and silently told Satan I wasn’t going to let him steal the euphoria of our spectacular afternoon. We had been gifted another blessed day, and I wouldn’t let anyone or anything tarnish it. 

Nothing can match the peace I felt watching the sun go down along the La Jolla beach.

On Friday, our last day, we stayed close to the condo – only venturing down to watch the local sea lions once more and take a long, slow walk along the beach. At this point in our journey, I felt incredibly privileged to have taken this trip despite its ups and downs. Seeing another part of the country, let alone the opposite seashore, was exhilarating – especially with my David. 

The ebbing sunlight added even more beauty to the spectacular scenery above the cliffs at the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve.

We were up at 4:00 am for an hour-long drive to the airport to begin our travel home on Saturday morning. Upon landing in Denver for another long connection before flying to GA, I ventured to check my rental car receipt only to find my final bill had more than doubled my initially quoted price—double thunk. 

Supplemental insurance and roadside assistance had been mysteriously added to the bill against my wishes. Four phone calls, three messages, two texts, and an email later, someone finally called me back from the rental agency. After repeatedly assuring the agent that I’d expressly declined additional coverage, I was asked to email my insurance information so she could take up my case with her on-site manager. All this happened while I was sitting in the airport, miles from home, waiting for my connecting flight.

At this point, I was nearly at my wit’s end. Deprived of sleep, frustrated at the repeated challenges, and worried about a double charge on my account, I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I told David I was tired of constantly fighting for everything. After hanging up the call, I stood up and melted into my husband as he caressed my back. Praying out loud in the A-concourse of the Denver International Airport, we asked God to give us the strength to get through our journey and amend this problematic situation. After saying “Amen,” I told David I needed to walk. So, walking we did.  

Passing a bathroom, I stepped inside and purposely put on my red lipstick, dried my eyes, and returned to tell David that I was determined to be like Nancy Wake, the phenomenal, Australian-born WWII leader of the French resistance whose story I’d just finished reading. Whenever facing particularly challenging situations, Nancy always put on her lipstick. On one such occasion, Nancy explained her penchant to a fellow freedom fighter, reminding him that he’d never go into battle without his armor. For Nancy, her armor was her lipstick. At that moment – in addition to prayer – I was determined also to make it mine. 

To my declaration, David hugged me anew and grabbed my hand, yelling for the entire airport to hear, “I love this woman!” His announcement made me smile and only furthered my resolve. With God’s help, we would get through this latest thunking. 

And so, we did! Not long later, the rental car agent called me back to let me know they were refunding my overcharges. To that great victory, David and I threw up our joined hands to formally proclaim, “Yay, God!” to whoever cared to listen. 

Not content to suffer defeat, the Devil tried to steal our victory again just a few minutes later—sneaky thunk. 

As we prepared to board our connecting flight, we were greeted by a nasty gate agent who challenged the bag sizes of everyone carrying a personal item by forcing all of us to verify “to [her] satisfaction” that all bags were the proper size or pay an $89 gate fee. After removing many items from my small bag and adding them to David’s tote, we were finally on our way home. Many others whose personal items were sprawled out along the airport floor, desperately trying to make their bags fit the small space, were not so fortunate. They didn’t, after all, have David – and perhaps not even God on their side. I know I did. 

And so, we made it home without any further incidents. 

It’s taken me weeks to finish this blog due to my intense schedule and our return to VA Beach for David’s work on his house there again. Each time I can’t write, I feel Satan’s thunkings. 

Nevertheless, not a day goes by when I am not incredibly grateful that I have a not-so-secret weapon to get me through the Devil’s attempts – the incredible power of prayer. It’s prayer and God’s guidance upon which I base every decision, every day, and every moment of my life. 

God gifted us with this spectacular sunset while flying home from San Diego.

I am also a firm believer in putting on the armor of God each day – without which I could never stand. As Ephesians 6: 10-13 tells us, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

I’ve learned firsthand that God’s armor can only protect me if I wear it. Without God’s protection, I’d never stand a chance of withstanding the enemy’s blows. Whether he chooses to throw nuclear bombs at me or subtle punches to take my eyes off my blessings, I will never let him win. 

More importantly, I will never stop praying. God knows my heart and is aware of the battles I’ll face today – large and small – before they ever come my way. That thought gives me great comfort. I’d never make it through Satan’s thunkings without it. 

We’re Samaritan’s Pursers

We’re Samaritan’s Pursers

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58) 

David and I were fortunate to have each purchased “Go Wild” passes from Frontier Airlines about a month before we became engaged. My original goal was to travel all around the country while working remotely. After all, I can work from anywhere, so why not? 

The annual passes are Frontier’s way of filling their empty seats for a one-time fee. With some flexibility, travelers can fly anywhere Frontier flies from their chosen airport for the discounted price of tax and fees alone. Sounds impressive, right? 

Unfortunately, tickets are challenging to book as they’re generally only available the day before flights are scheduled to ensue if extra seats are available at the last minute. As a result, David and I have only been able to utilize our passes once over the past year. 

David and I were able to pay a short visit to my mom and see snow during our overnight layover in CO.

Nevertheless, determined to “get our money’s worth,” we found a flight to San Diego via Denver over the MLK holiday weekend. At $50 for each round trip, David and I couldn’t let the opportunity pass us by, so we booked the flights and headed to stay overnight in Denver, connecting to San Diego in the early afternoon the next day. And so, with our tiny, under-seat suitcases in tow, we set off on another adventure together. 

Frontier is a no-frills airline. Seats, backpacks, carry-on luggage, beverages – everything extra comes at an additional cost. To keep our expenses down, David and I only splurged on two seats together in our four-flight, 2-day travel extravaganza – on our final leg home, a week after it started. As a result, we were massively blessed to be accommodated when I asked if David could sit beside me after final boarding on our first flight when no one claimed the empty seat. Not only did the attendant consent, but she allowed us to move to a back row where we could sit together. 

David and I were blessed to be allowed to sit together on both our flights to San Diego, despite not having paid for the privilege.

In the rush of the day’s preparations for our journey – including packing my work laptop and cold weather gear for our short stay in Denver’s sub-zero degree weather, we didn’t read our daily scripture passages together before departing. I offered to share my Kindle App with David during the flight, but he surprised me by saying, “Just read it out loud to me, love,” so I did. 

Right there in row 30 – just two rows from the back of the plane – I read the day’s assigned passages to David from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms. Just as I was about to read from Proverbs, I was interrupted by a loud, strange noise – like that of a slowly opened, creaky door. It sounded like something from a horror movie, and it was coming from somewhere on the plane. 

“What was that?” I asked David. 

“I don’t know, love,” came his reply. 

Without warning, David yelled, “He’s choking,” jumped up from his seat and rushed forward. 

That’s when I spotted a man’s ball-capped head – just four rows in front of us – leaning into the seat beside him. As flight attendants rushed to help, a grey-haired gentleman wearing a mask moved into the seat beside the floundering passenger. With adequate help in place, David returned to his seat beside me. 

“What happened?” I inquired. Before David could respond or take a seat, he jumped back up again, yelling, “He’s choking” one more time. 

This time, I saw the passenger’s arm raised and flailing above his seat while his body shook. The gentleman beside the passenger began offering words of reassurance as he stroked the dreadlocked head of the man who’d now lost his hat and shook about. Over and over, this Good Samaritan assured the troubled passenger that he was okay, using the man’s first name – who we all now knew was Matea.

David was still standing beside the row where all this was happening. Joining the Good Samaritan in his actions, David reached over to stroke Matea’s head, offering his steadfast assurances. By now, fight attendants provided paper towels to wipe Matea’s brow and face, which David later explained had become wet with Matea’s saliva. 

As the situation calmed, David returned to his seat beside me, explaining, “He had a seizure of some sort.” 

Having filmed most of the incident on my cell phone due to David’s involvement, I looked over to my amazing husband, kissed him, and told him I was incredibly proud of him. 

“Thank you, love,” was all David said. 

“Let me tell you a story,” I began. 

As David listened, I recounted when I stopped to assist a woman who appeared to have fallen outside a restaurant. I was accompanied by a team member who had joined me for lunch. Without hesitation, I rushed forward and knelt where the woman had situated herself on a large landscape rock, inquiring whether she was okay and asking if I could help. 

Much to my surprise, my teammate quietly suggested that “Perhaps [I] should leave her alone,” noting, “It’s not our business. Let someone else help her.”

In shock, I replied that I wanted to help and advised him to go in without me. After assuring myself that the woman was okay, I informed the wait staff to help her and joined my friend at a table inside. 

“I can’t believe you involved yourself,” I remember him saying. “It’s not our place to do so.”

His response stunned me as I wanted to do more, not less, and I felt terrible leaving the woman when I did, even though others quickly responded to attend her. I’ll never forget how I felt after hearing my teammate’s response to my actions and his apparent lack of concern for someone needing help. 

Concluding my story, I explained to David, “That’s not who I am. And I know that’s not who you are, either. We’re Samaritan’s Pursers. We help whenever we can, however we can.”

“That’s right,” said David. “We do.” 

As I kissed my husband again, I reminded him, as I regularly do, how perfect we are for each other. Without the hearts God instilled in us to help others, we might never have met during our fateful first Samaritan’s Purse deployment in October 2022. 

“It’s sad to think that more people are like my friend and the other travelers in the Good Samaritan story than those who ever want to help,” I continued. “They cross by on the other side of the road, unwilling to get involved. But not us.”

“But not us,” David agreed as he kissed me back. “Just another adventure to add to our story,” he said, smiling. 

Our 3.5 hour delayed flight to San Diego didn’t quench our enthusiasm about traveling to yet another exciting and new place together.

The rest of our flight blessedly continued without further incident. We later learned that the grey-haired man who had rushed back to help was a doctor. “Thank God,” David said. “We’re fortunate everything was okay, so we didn’t have to be diverted to land somewhere quickly.”

More than that, it strikes me how blessed I am to have a man seated beside me who has a heart like mine, a heart that is always willing to jump up and lend aid to those in need. Every day, I thank God for such a gift. 

May we all be more willing to help and serve whenever and wherever God leads us. Whether it’s at 40,000 feet of altitude, high above the ground on an airplane, in another state hit by a natural disaster, or in a quiet workplace with a friend, we never know when the call to serve will go out. I pray we will always be ready to do so without hesitation. 

After all, the world needs more Samaritan’s Purses and Good Samaritans. Wherever He leads, will you go? 

I get to keep you

I get to keep you

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” (Genesis 28:15)

I have a secret to share. David sometimes talks in his sleep. Not often, but sometimes he does – and I always hear him. Often, David will utter a sentence or two from his dream. I work hard to remember what he said so I can tell him about it when he wakes up. Thankfully, David can always tell me what the dream was about when I do. On one such occasion, he said something that neither of us will ever forget, as it has impacted our lives ever since.

David uses a rubber mallet to level paving stones used in a fire-pit patio he created for a VA Beach customer. (June, 2023)

Most of David’s dreams are work-related. I told him such things are a sign of stress that he shouldn’t be having – especially now that he is mostly retired. That being said, the mind is a powerful organ that never entirely shuts down. I, too, have vivid dreams that play in my subconscious, like movie scripts. I sometimes mix people and places from my past together as my brain weaves memories and new creations into one tiny snippet of thought as I sleep.

According to Sigmund Freud, “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” The famed psychologist wrote extensively about the same in his timeless work, The Interpretation of Dreams, which is still studied by experts and non-specialists today. Freud professed that interpreting dreams can provide great insight into what he termed a “dynamic unconscious.” He believed that understanding what occurs in our dreams allows us to address better how we live our lives in the daylight. Per Freud, “On my way to discovering the solution of the dream all kinds of things were revealed which I was unwilling to admit even to myself.”

One of the most well-known Biblical dream interpreters was Joseph. In his lifetime, Joseph had six dreams that we read about in Genesis, chapters 37-42. The first two dreams were Joseph’s, and in them, God revealed the future path for Joseph’s life. While his father and brothers were unhappy to hear Joseph’s dreams portending their eventual submission to his power and greatness, scripture reveals the truth of these subconscious musings. Over the course of a 28-year interval, Joseph systematically was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, purchased and elevated in the household of a powerful Egyptian official, betrayed and jailed for an offense he was innocent of, promoted again within the penal system, and eventually released from captivity upon Pharaoh’s acknowledgment of Joseph’s God-given ability to interpret dreams. During Joseph’s period of incarceration, he interpreted two more pairs of dreams that ultimately changed the course of his life.

Scripture reminds us that dreams also played a crucial role in Daniel’s life. In addition to his well-known interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2) – revealing the monarch’s eventual fall from power and ultimate acknowledgment of God – scripture advises us that Daniel’s dreams prophesied a future world yet to come (Daniel 7). We can take comfort in Daniel’s dreams, knowing they foretell a time when God will rule and reign over the earth, with all believers reigning with Him.

All told, God’s Word reveals twenty dreams that were used for various purposes. Such revelations include warnings (Genesis 20:3, 31:24, Matthew 27:19), prophetic events (Gen. 37:5, 9, 40:8-19, 41:1-7, 15-32, Daniel 2, 7), spiritual truth (Gen. 28:12), confirmed promises (Gen. 28:13-14), and encouragement (Gen. 28:15) – my personal favorite.

While David’s dream held no such grandiose revelations to me, his words were precious upon explanation in the morning light.

“You talked in your sleep last night,” I told David after revealing his subconscious musings.

“What did I say?” David asked.

“You said, ‘I get to keep you.’” I replied.

As David smiled, he explained that while he couldn’t remember the entirety of his dream, he clearly remembered that phrase, saying, “It was about you. I remember smiling as I said it, knowing that above everything else, I was happy that God gave you to me – and ‘I get to keep you.’”

Since that revelation, I’ve borrowed the phrase quite frequently, telling David that I, too, am incredibly grateful to God for His gift of David to me. “And I get to keep you.”

“You keep stealing my line,” David laughs when I tell him the same. “But I don’t mind.”

“That’s good,” I always say, “because I intend to keep using it.”

David and I are constant smiles when we’re together – even while standing outside the Vatican walls for hours to enter the Vatican Museums in Rome, Italy. (October, 2023)

I waited a lifetime for David to become a part of my life as he did for me. We thank God daily for our compatibility, which includes our shared love of our Heavenly Father and each other. We know how prodigious a gift it is to find one’s soulmate, helper, confidant, and best friend – all wrapped up in one extraordinary package we call a Godly spouse. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

Above and beyond finding each other on a church bus in a disaster zone while working for God in an evangelical ministry of love and faith, God gave me a man who speaks my love language of touch and affirmation.

Moreover, I get to keep him. Hallelujah! What a Savior!  

Use this year wisely for Christ

Use this year wisely for Christ

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

What a difference a year makes! When I think back to where I was in January 2023, I’m astounded by all that’s happened in such a short expanse of time to bring me to where I am today.

Gutted kitchen in Herm and Nancy’s Ft. Myers, FL home. (October 2022)

At this time last year, I was temporarily living in a home with Hurricane Ian victims Herm and Nancy while David was restoring and improving their house to its pre-flood state and beyond. Just as this couple could never have foreseen the floodwaters that would overtake their home and destroy nearly all their worldly possessions, so I could never have imagined that God would send me a husband whose love would fill my earthly experience with more of Christ’s peace, joy, and tranquility than I’d ever before encountered in my lifetime. I’m still in awe of the miracle of finding my soulmate in such an unexpected and God-ordained manner.

David’s hard work in Herm and Nancy’s home are evidenced in this “after” photo of their kitchen, post renovation. (January, 2023)

While I’ve experienced indescribable joy in the power of my Creator’s presence my whole life and have consistently marveled at the grandeur of His creation, I now have someone to share these emotions with. Meager words can hardly quantify how satisfying that experience has become. Knowing that someone loves me unconditionally is empowering and imminently gratifying. Considering how much of my life I’ve spent feeling that I could never be good enough, such an assessment is even more special.

What lies ahead from here remains to be seen. I’m goal-driven, so I, along with most of the world, can’t help but consider what I hope to achieve in the coming year. According to a December 2023 poll by CBS News/YouGov, the top desires of those surveyed are all materially-based: improved health (94%), exercise (88%), spend more time with people [they] care about (84%), and diet/eat better (81%). Additionally, top resolutions for America boast a similar vein, with 74% of those polled hoping to take more time off, 70% to spend less time online, 60% to work harder (a surprising answer to me), and 29% vowing to earn more online connections. The latter seems a sad testament to the health of the world’s relationships.

I can’t help but feel disheartened at the superficiality of these responses. Apart from the “spend more time with people [they] care about” comment, everything else seems inward-looking and somewhat self-absorbed. While I will grant that resolutions should be somewhat internally focused, why are all these comments geared towards self-improvement rather than charitable and external thinking? Where are the “read my Bible more, help others, and learn to give more unselfishly” resolutions?

As the media continually speaks about the need for more peace, trust, and kindness in the world, I puzzle over where the thoughts and actions are to back up such lofty ideals. Have we all solely become messengers of rhetoric rather than action? What are we doing to help the missionaries, evangelists, and charities make the world a better place? Are we ready to assist them in their ministry or grumble about how bad society is getting? Will we complain our way through the year while we seek self-improvement rather than the betterment of others? Are any more of us willing to go, speak, and live out our faith in a hurting world that needs us? Do we consider how many people need the light of Christ through the ministry of our two hands and feet? How many of us will say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me!”?

Conversely, these are my top three goals for 2024:

  1. Read through the Bible with my husband. I’ve read God’s Holy Word three times by myself. I look forward to diving deeper with the man I love as we continue to grow in our faith and trust in God.
  2. Write more words of Christ’s encouragement for others. In addition to my blog, I hope to move my Yay, God book concept past the outline I’ve created to a full-fledged manuscript that I can publish to encourage whoever I can. I aim to share my story and the wisdom God places upon my heart daily.
  3. Shine God’s light in every area of my life. While this is my eternal goal, I place it on my top three list for 2024 to remind me of the importance of the same. I serve an invisible God; therefore, I know I must be the hands, feet, and love of my Savior to everyone I meet – in and out of the workplace. I’m praying that God will give me new opportunities to do so this year.

While I have other goals for the year – such as seeing more of the world, helping David complete his VA Beach house renovation, and installing new flooring in our GA home, for example – I wanted my top three ambitions to revolve around Christ and my faith. Truthfully, I can hardly imagine what my Heavenly Father has in store for me in the days ahead. I might face gut-wrenching trials or new levels of triumph – grander than anything I’ve ever encountered. Only God knows what the future holds, and that’s good enough for me. I only ask Christ to use me as He sees fit – today, tomorrow, and through all the days He has written for me in His book. I want to use all the time I have been given to serve my Savior in any way possible.

I love You, Lord. I trust You. I serve You. I am Yours, and You are mine. May I accomplish whatever you have designed for me to do in the coming days. May it be so – in the year to come and forevermore.

The greatest gift

The greatest gift

For Christmas this year, David and I were privileged to enjoy a free stay at an oceanfront condo in the FL Keys. No. We didn’t win the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Our “vacation” was courtesy of one of David’s lifelong friends, Joe D’Angelo, whose winter home is the one we were fortunate to occupy while he was away for the holidays. Talk about Christmas in Paradise. We found it!

The view from Joe’s Tavernier, FL condo.

David first met Joe when he was around five or 6-years-old after his family moved from Lakewood, NY, to Orchard Park, NY. As a young adult, Joe reached out to David regarding David’s self-employment experience since Joe was considering leaving the restaurant industry. Joe took David’s advice and was fortunate enough to acquire an existing glass installation business, which he ultimately grew into a lucrative venture. Joe and his wife Mary retired to Tavernier, FL – a beautiful community just north of Islamorada, in the Upper Keys. While the two of them were visiting their children and grandchildren for the holidays, David and I basked in the beauty of their oceanfront view from the sixth floor of Joe’s condo.

Islamorada’s Amara Kay Resort used to be the Hampton Inn.

While there, David delighted in taking me to places he remembered from his former stays in Islamorada. Between 2001 and 2009, David was fortunate to work in what was then the former Hampton Inn – partially owned and operated by his decades-long friend, Dennis. David’s primary, annual, off-season task was to repaint all the hotel’s guest rooms, common areas, and exterior. While working on the property, David and his helper, Dexter, were provided free lodging at the hotel.

Although it was dark after our 8-hour drive to the Keys, David was eager to revisit Dennis’ former hotel – now fully renovated and rebranded as the Amara Kay Resort. After a short drive to the site, we walked the property so David could photo-document the site’s changes for Dennis – all the while elaborating upon his fond memories to me.

Christmas decorations enhanced the festive atmosphere at Dennis’ former hotel.

“It’s beautiful,” was my constant refrain as David walked me through the lobby to the oceanfront view on the back grounds. Even in the dark, I was amazed at the tropical outdoor seating, majestic palms, fire pits, and tiki torches adorning the property. The place was positively magical.

After walking along the grounds, David and I strolled to the hotel’s pier, next to the same tiki bar that David remembered from his past. Despite the dramatic changes to the property, other features remained the same. I could hardly imagine the privilege of a two-and-a-half-month-long stay in such a resort. What a privilege!

As the two of us sat down on a waterfront lounge chair to contemplate the same, we looked up at the night sky and thanked God for the blessing of being there together.

The Amara Kay resort pier.

“I used to sit here at night and look out at the water,” David confessed. “I was glad I had Zoley (David’s dog), but I’d always ask God, ‘Where is she?'” Emotional at the memory, David continued, “And now you’re here! I can hardly believe you’re finally here!”

David and I returned to the Amara Kay in the daytime to better appreciate the beautiful resort hotel.

More wondrous than a complimentary stay in the Keys, more satisfying than the warmth of the FL sunshine, more beautiful than the pristine waters we transcended in borrowed kayaks, and more awe-inspiring than the cries of the ospreys that glided over the ocean waters is our God. One year ago, I was in CO visiting my family for Christmas, fretting over how I’d share the news of my engagement to my soulmate. At the time, I could never have imagined where I’d be 365 days later, let alone how joyful my life would be now that I’m married to David.

And yet, here I am, continually marveling at the incredulity of it all. I’ll never again ask for another gift in my lifetime. I already have it all. Apart from my salvation, the most incomparable gift I’ve ever received was the love of a man named David. After all, unequivocal love is beyond description. It’s all I ever wanted, never thought I’d obtain, and so much more than I could ever have imagined it would be.

Our Tavernier stay included complimentary use of Joe’s kayaks.

From a baby in a manger to a resurrected King, God demonstrated His love to us by humbling Himself to take on human flesh for the sole purpose of saving our souls so we could spend eternity with Him in heaven. The greatest gift is love, and it’s always there for all of us to unwrap, accept, and savor. Nothing on earth is as profound as our Heavenly Father’s love. I’m even more blessed to have found that same love with skin on it, wrapped up in the unconditional affection of my David. I can never thank God enough for the same.

A short kayak trip took us to tiny yet gorgeous Kalteux Key.

The greatest gift is love. Grab it. Savor it. Share it. After all, there is nothing more remarkable in the universe than love.

Our wall breaker/love maker anniversary – part 2

Our wall breaker/love maker anniversary – part 2

In my last blog, I talked about how David knocked down my walls of protection by sending me the Rachel Lampa song, “Perfectly Loved,” followed by his testimony of how God broke through to him with His own love for David’s soul. Through several back-and-forth emails, David and I verbalized our lifelong pursuit of one another.

As David explained, “I’ve been praying to meet someone the way we did, in a place where God was. I wanted to feel the beat that skipped in my heart when I met her. I wanted my breath to be taken away by her beauty, intelligence, compassion, love for others, and willingness to serve. I wanted someone where I would be safe to express my love of God, where it would grow and become stronger. I wanted to find that someone who understood and believed those same things, and we would have a love built on the strength of our faith in Jesus and all that He teaches us.”

David and I shared a hug as we served with Samaritan’s Purse for the first time together as an engaged couple on December 12, 2022.

Writing back, I asked, “Did your heart really skip a beat when you met me? Did I truly take your breath away with who I am? Can that be real?”

“I was called to Florida, David,” I explained, “God called me just as He called you. He asked us to give up a few days of our lives in utter abandon to His ministry, and we heeded His call. I had no idea what to expect, but it was beyond my wildest expectations. It still is. His gifts for me are still coming – from one single act of wholehearted commitment.” 

Over the next few days, David set into motion an elaborate plan to further demolish my protective walls by supplying me with tangible evidence of his love. It all began with David’s message that he had arranged for one of his VA Beach friends to ship me something from his home via special delivery. This much is true. David did have a friend mail a tile he had painted years ago. The slate was emblazoned with a gold and red heart along with the words, “Healing heart – Love Heals.” 

What David didn’t reveal was that the shipment was coming to him in FL so he could hand-deliver it to me. Over the next few days, David unabashedly convinced me that I needed to be home to sign for the package – presumably scheduled to arrive on December 1st and later delayed until December 2nd. 

David and I stood beside storm-tossed and destroyed shrimp boats at Ft. Myers Beach, FL, following Hurricane Ian, December 2022.

Behind the scenes, David wasn’t yet at a place in FL where he could easily leave his restoration work. After reaching a breakaway point, he grabbed his kitty, Bo, and set out on an 8-hour journey to my home – all the while sending me text updates regarding the estimated arrival time of my “package.” I never expected anything but a mysterious gift sent with love.

On Friday, December 2nd, 2022, I woke to the following beautiful email from David:

“Good morning, Dear Sara, 

You are the Angel that holds My Heart!!!! 

What a beautiful and memorable day this is going to be! God has blessed us with such a wonderful beginning, and today will add to our precious Love story! What will come to your door today truly has been a lifetime in the making. God has shaped and molded this gift to be the perfect fit into your life, and I’m so excited to be able to share it with you now and forever! I know you want me to be there, and I will be – in your heart as you are in mine. 

I know that my life with you has happened because we both gave our lives up to God to be in his service and allow the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts. 

What I’m sending you, My Love, is My Heart. It’s my dedication, devotion, and determination to show you how much I love you and want to be with you! I’m so happy to know what I’m giving you will be in a safe place that you can share with others when they come into your home. 

David and I in Perry, FL, after assisting Samaritan’s Purse after Hurricane Idalia hit the region, September 2023.

I know we will have a lot to say to each other this evening, and I can’t wait to hear the sound of your voice! 

With God’s Love and mine💞 – David”

To David’s mailing, I sent the following response: 

“Dear David, 

The giving of one’s heart is a sacred offering and one that I would never give or take lightly. The fact that you’ve given me yours is profoundly precious to me. Please know that I promise to hold your heart protectively as I understand its tremendous value. 

I can’t even imagine what you could possibly be sending me today, but I feel privileged to receive whatever you want to give. The gift of oneself demonstrates no greater love, and I am eternally grateful to God for sending me a man who understands that. 

Savannah, GA, July 2023

I’ve never known a love such as yours before, David. It’s incredulous to me that such a thing can exist – that what I’ve hoped and prayed for my entire life could actually be living on this earth. I’d long ago given up the idea that someone like you could ever find and love someone like me. Only the hand of God could have brought us together for such a time as this. 

Thank you for loving me, David. Thank you for the gift of your heart and for your steadfast determination to make me believe in its veracity. 

With our Savior’s love and mine – Sara”

Throughout the day, David gave me periodic updates on the arrival of my package. 

Per David, “I’ve got an update for delivery moved to between 7:00 and 9:00. I was able to get the signature requirement removed, so no worries.”

Jekyll Island, GA, August 2023.

As time progressed, I became more and more excited about whatever David was sending me. As the 9:00 pm hour rolled in, I told David I still hadn’t seen anything. 

“It says it’s still out for delivery,” David told me. “That driver sure is working late!”

“Agreed,” I replied. “I’ve never had such a late delivery before! I feel sorry for the driver! I wonder if they’ll just take it back and bring it tomorrow now.”

“Patience love,” came David’s response. “Delivered by 9:20!”

By 9:15, with still no sign of the “package,” I decided I should have a tip ready for the driver. Pulling a five-dollar bill from my wallet, I put the money in my pocket and moved to the door to look out. 

Peering through the semi-sheer drapes covering the sidelights at my front door, I noted the headlights that entered my driveway at precisely 9:20 pm. When a car door shut, I looked again and could just make out a figure walking to my door that didn’t appear to be wearing a uniform. 

It was at that moment that I felt a twinge of concern. There I was, a single woman, preparing to open the door late at night to a stranger who may or may not have been in uniform. “Maybe this isn’t the best idea,” I thought. 

But then the doorbell rang.

David will tell you that he remembers watching his finger move in slow motion to the doorbell, knowing full well that he was preparing to change our lives forever with that single action.

Virginia Beach, VA, June 2023.

As for me, I will never forget the abject shock I felt when I opened the door to find David standing on my welcome mat with a massive smile on his face. 

Barely comprehending what I was seeing, I cried out, “Wait. What?!? David! How on earth can you be here?” In my utter dismay, I literally shut the door on him.

Realizing what I had done, I opened the door again, grabbed ahold of David, and dragged him inside – repeating over and over, “I can’t believe it! How can you be here?” 

As David laughed, I paced back and forth – periodically looking at David while repeating, “I just need a minute. You don’t understand. I can’t believe it!” 

At some point during my pacing, David finally grabbed me and pulled me into his embrace.

“I had to come,” he said. “I love you. I needed to tell you that, in-person, before you came to Florida.”

While I wasn’t prepared to tell David I loved him yet, I held onto him, clinging to the first person on earth who ever made me feel valued. His single act of driving to see me had completely validated his proclamations of love. 

David and I celebrated our hard work of re-shingling his VA Beach, VA house by sharing a selfie on the roof, April 2023.

“You don’t understand,” I repeated, genuinely overwhelmed at the incredulity of his arrival. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I just can’t believe you’re here! How long did it take you to get here?” 

“Eight hours,” David confirmed. “It was worth every mile to see your face.” 

Overwhelmed by the love David had demonstrated to me, I could barely stop the tears streaming down my face. “You don’t understand. You just don’t understand,” I kept saying.

Over the next few hours, I did my best to explain to David how his act of unselfish love had touched my soul deeper than anything he could have ever said to me. 

For as long as I can remember, I have always felt unworthy. I’d been led to believe that my value was always tied to the tangible: how I looked, what I could do, and who I was compared to the rest of the world. I always fell short. I could never be pretty enough, smart enough, or anything else the world believed held value. This concept had been my truth throughout my broken marriages. I was never enough for anyone to love or consider worthy of their kindness, let alone their affection. 

VA Beach, August 2023

Worse yet, I had been repeatedly told that the vision I held in my heart of what love really is was unrealistic. “No one can love like you think they can,” was a frequent refrain. “That’s only in movies and fairy tales.” 

And so that statement became my truth. The love depicted in movies was just make-believe. Books with happy endings were unrealistic. No one, not anyone on earth, could love me unselfishly, wholeheartedly – the way I wanted to be loved – without asking anything in return. No one, that is, until David.

In David, I have found the mirror image of my love for him, the kind of love God has for us all. Every day, David and I hug, laugh, kiss, and thank our Heavenly Father for the beautiful, merciful, undeserving, steadfast, unequivocal, unquenchable love we have for one another. We hold onto each other at every opportunity, thanking God for the gift of finding such love on earth. At every meal, our first mention in our prayers – while we’re holding on to one another, I might add – is to thank our Creator for the gift of love He’s established between us. 

“Thank you, God, for your love,” I pray before every meal. “Thank you for tying David and I together with such an unbreakable bond, bound together with your presence that always surrounds us, for keeping us focused on you. We are so grateful. We can never thank you enough.”

God is the ultimate wall breaker and love maker. He is the one who was always with me, guiding David and me to the moment when we would meet, serve Him together in FL, and ultimately fall in love by seeing each other’s hearts for our Savior. 

Our wedding day, March 12, 2023

My whole life, I always knew my Creator loved me. That much has always been true. But it was only by surrendering my will to His and consistently praying for someone to love me like He did that I found my precious David. As it turns out, David was also seeking love like I was – someone to love like God does, with skin on it. 

One year ago, yesterday, David proposed to me, and I immediately replied, “A million, trillion, ka-billion times, yes!” Today, as we are celebrating our 9-month wedding anniversary, I repeated the exact phrase over and over to him. 

By the way, David still has the five-dollar tip I gave him as the rightful, hard-working delivery driver who came to my door on December 2nd, 2022. 

That money pales in comparison to the gift of love we received from our Savior – both when we gave our hearts and lives to Him and when He gave us the long-held hope of genuine love here on earth. I can never thank God enough. 

After all, only God could create such a love story from two seeking souls whose only desire was to serve their Creator.

Thanks to our Heavenly Father, we’re just getting started.

Our wall breaker/love maker anniversary – Part 1

Our wall breaker/love maker anniversary – Part 1

It’s normal for married couples to celebrate anniversaries such as the day they met and the day they wed. But two anniversaries in a love story as profound as David’s and mine don’t seem to be enough.

Instead, we celebrate our love with anniversaries all year long. In addition to the day we met (October 12th) and our wedding anniversary (March 12th), the 12th of each month is another important acknowledgement of God’s grace in bringing our two hearts together. December 11th is also important to us as it’s the day David proposed to me. So, too, December 12th is remembered as the two-month anniversary of the day we met, as well as the day we served with Samaritan’s Purse together as an engaged couple. December 2nd is another important date in our lives that will forever mark the moment my walls of protection were utterly obliterated by love.  

The tale begins on November 28th – what I like to call our “Next Chapter Day,” which I’m now officially naming as another anniversary. 

My sweet kitty, Rocky.

On November 27th, I gave my sweet kitty, Rocky, back to God – a story I wrote about in my blog entitled, “Not the Father’s will that any of these should perish.” I had purposely chosen not to tell David about this event as I knew he was working hard rebuilding Herm and Nancy’s Ft. Myers home, which had been devastated by Hurricane Ian. I didn’t want to distract him from that mission with my pain.  

As it turned out, David was hurt by my choice not to share this life event with him. After a few brief back-to-back text messages establishing the same, David sent me a link to the Rachel Lampa song, “Perfectly Loved,” which affected me profoundly. 

Beyond our miles-long text messages in those first few months of our relationship, David and I wrote beautiful love letters via email. Wanting to capture the profound way David’s song-send had deeply moved me emotionally, on November 28th, I emailed him the following impassioned response: 

“Dear David, 

I had planned to send you a completely different message this evening about being a wounded animal – something that needs time and total commitment to earn trust. I know all about such things by being both the one earning the trust and the one who trusts. It’s always worth the effort in the end. 

But then you sent me that video. The lyrics of this song speak so deeply to my soul that I can’t stop listening to it. 

David, God is the only one who has ever perfectly loved me. He’s the only one who’s never abandoned, abused, and rejected me. All I’ve ever wanted was to be perfectly loved. That’s all. I used to puzzle over why something that should be so simple is beyond comprehension. I love like that. Why can’t anyone else do the same? 

They haven’t. Until perhaps now. 

Can you perfectly love me? Can you truly want to know these, my innermost thoughts? Can you really want to know me and yet still love me – despite my flaws, scars, and fears of betrayal? 

I have only one fear in life – believing that there may be perfect love only to discover that I was mistaken, yet again. I want to hold onto my belief that somewhere, love can be genuine and whole, that deep love, as the Bible tells me, covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8) 

I used to think that meant love excuses bad behavior, that I could WILL someone to love me, or that they’d change and do so. Nothing could be further from the truth. People don’t change. Either they love you, or they don’t. 

I don’t want superficial love, David. I want perfect love – the kind that sticks with you when times get tough, that isn’t afraid to scale walls, walk 10,000 miles, or stand beside you when things get messy or you’re less than perfect. 

‘Perfect love casts out fear.’ (1 John 4:18) I don’t want to fear that I’m bothering you. I don’t want to fear that I’ll tell you I love you only to have you change your mind and walk away. I don’t want to fear that what I hope for, that someone can love me as deeply and passionately as I know how to love, isn’t real – that only God can love like that. If that were true, how could God have given that capacity to love in me? 

Am I the only person on Earth that gets it? Am I the only one who can love that deeply? Can you love like that, too, David? Can you love me like that? Can I finally give up always having to be strong and alone for being perfectly loved by someone who WANTS to be with me? Can you understand that I want nothing more in life than to love someone with my whole heart who I know loves me that way in return? 

Show me that you are that person, David. I don’t need space. I’ve had a lifetime of being shunned. You can’t love me enough. I will never get tired of being loved. Show me that you love me like God loves me, and you will hold my heart forever. 

I wish I could ask and tell you these things in person. I need to see your reaction – and you, mine. Until then, I will hold out hope that I may be perfectly loved someday. 

Thank you for giving me hope in something I stopped believing in long ago. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for not giving up on me. If you do, I will never bother you again. 

But if you don’t, if you will be the King David I know you to be – the man after God’s own heart – you may just find perfect love for yourself in return. 

In His love, Sara”

In response, David sent me the following message:

“Dearest Sara, 😇💞💋

What you have written to me is heaven-sent! I will cherish this forever! This is what I’ve been searching for my entire life as well.

When God completely entered my soul, and I felt unconditional love for the first time, I understood what had been missing all along. It wasn’t there in my family. When I felt that love from God, and I knew he was talking to me and not over me, or around me, or through me, but directly to me, with compassion and understanding, encouragement, fearlessness, determination, honesty, humbleness, and STEADFAST DEVOTION, He was telling me these were the foundations of loving with an open heart.

 I’ve been praying to meet someone the way we did, in a place where God was. I wanted to feel the beat that skipped in my heart when I met her. I wanted my breath to be taken away by her beauty, intelligence, compassion, love for others, and willingness to serve. I wanted someone where I would be safe to express my love of God, where it would grow and become stronger. I wanted to find that someone who understood and believed those same things, and we would have a Love built on the strength of our faith in Jesus and all that He teaches us.

As I got to know you during our deployment, I saw and felt ALL of these things in you. And I began to pray, Lord, is this the one? Is this the person who will have my back at all times, fight for me as much as I fight for her, who will support me in following the dream you have given me and encourage my creativity, will want to have a love between us as deep and as wide as is the universe you have created for us, someone who loves you with all her heart and wants to celebrate that love with me, someone that would wrap me in her arms of love and the pains and scars of my past would melt away forever – that she, Lord, would be the one I want to be with in eternity?

I know, with all my heart, Sara, YOU are her!! You are the Angel God has sent me, and I can barely see the screen right now though the tears of Joy streaming down my face. I thank God for the gift of you!

Scroll back through all of our messages to the beginning. My finger got tired of swiping; it took so long! We have a wonderful and beautiful connection! It’s only going to get stronger. With God at our center, we will be unbreakable. Set aside your fears, Dear One. I Will be your King David, and I will do everything in my power to honor that which has been given to me from God Our Father.

I U V. (Author’s note: This was David’s first not-so-cryptic way of telling me that he loved me without typing the words.) I guess that has been retired by now!

I love you so very much!!

With God’s Love

Your David💞”

Which prompted the following return message from me:

“Dearest David,

 Last night, I told you to add being a stone mason to your resume. This morning, I believe you may also add ‘bulldozer driver’ to your repertoire. How did you manage to obliterate my protective walls with one mailing? The truth is, you’ve been chipping away at them for some time now, even while I clung to the rubble you knocked down for fear of losing its protection. I don’t want to do that anymore.

What you’ve written to me through your tears is the perfect embodiment of all I’ve ever asked for. Your words can be nothing less than heaven-sent. They’re what my soul has been seeking, praying for, and envisioning for as long as I can remember. If your love is as you’ve described below, there is NO more extraordinary gift I could ever receive other than that from my Savior.

Unintentionally, I gave you an assignment that seemed impossible to complete. I asked you if you could love me as Christ does. I wanted to know if you even understood the kind of love I’m talking about.

I now know that you do. You were able to detail extraordinarily how Christ filled your soul with His perfect love. My heart soured as I read your words.

You said Christ was ‘talking to [you] and not over [you], or around [you] or through [you], but directly to [you], with compassion and understanding, encouragement, fearlessness, determination, honesty, humbleness, and STEADFAST DEVOTION. He was telling [you] these were the foundations of Loving With an Open Heart.’

That IS how Christ loves, David. You’ve entirely captured what God-given love is. That IS how He loves us.

And that is how I love, as well. Perfect love is modeled after our Savior’s. He demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross for our sins, by caring for us since before we were born, since before time began.

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

That love story is captured in God’s holy Word. Ours is encapsulated here – but more importantly, it’s in our hearts.

Did your heart really skip a beat when you met me? Did I truly take your breath away with who I am? Can that be real?

I was called to Florida, David. God called me just as He called you. He asked us to give up a few days of our lives in utter abandon to His ministry, and we heeded His call. I had no idea what to expect, but it was beyond my wildest expectations. It still is. His gifts for me are still coming – from one single act of wholehearted commitment.

You said you prayed for someone like me. You wanted to find someone who also wanted to serve, even as you hoped you’d find that person while you were serving.

I did the same. That’s ALWAYS been my prayer.

But before this trip that changed our lives, I didn’t have that idea in my head. My only thought was, ‘Use me, Lord.’

Even so, just as I shut my door to begin my drive to FL, that thought entered my head. ‘Maybe you’ll meet him there.’ It took me back as that notion was not in my brain at ALL. I was so excited just to go, even as I marveled at how it all came together. I could barely contain my excitement. Every step, every mile, brought me closer to the mission God had ordained me for, even before I was born.

It also brought us to each other. Without knowing it, the perfect love story was revealed and put into motion the day I left GA. How the angels must have rejoiced that day!! What had been waiting in the shadows was being orchestrated on the stage of our lives. One act, one line, one piece at a time, was coming together. That story is ours. It’s our God-given love story, and it’s better than any I could have ever imagined.

I told you that if you showed me that you loved me as God loves me, you would hold me in your heart forever. I’m not going to say anything else until I see you, but you’re in my heart, King David. I hold your heart as my greatest treasure in return.

In His love, Sara”

David and me in VA Beach, summer 2023

What happened next was that David put into motion a plan to demonstrate his love to me so elaborate that it completely obliterated my walls. It’s so beautiful, in fact, that I will share its story in a separate post. 

For now, I end with a reminder that our God will break down every wall that holds us back from complete happiness and joy. All we have to do to find that jubilation on Earth is by surrendering our will to His. While I hadn’t yet found earthly love until God brought me David, the love of my Savior, Jesus Christ, was always with me. It carried, elevated, and sustained me throughout my life’s often perilous journey. 

In Christ, there is always hope – the kind of hope that only our Creator can bring. As David’s and my earthly pastor in VA Beach, Dr. Don Solomon of Kings Grant Baptist Church, told us today, “Hope in worldly terms is simply wishful thinking. Hope in Biblical terms isn’t wishful. It’s faith, assurance, and security in Christ. It can withstand trials, fire, and despair, God’s hope gives us security through Christ.” 

There is always hope, beloved. I’ve always felt secure in Christ. I soon discovered we can also have hope and security here on Earth. God walks before us, beside us, and with us. There is no better assurance than that we find in Christ. He is the ultimate wall breaker and love maker – every single day for all eternity.

Bésame Mucho – Italian honeymoon, part 3

Bésame Mucho – Italian honeymoon, part 3

After a great night’s sleep in our Ostia, Italy apartment, David and I were determined to restart our honeymoon on a rested and re-energized note on our second day in Rome. Before leaving for our day’s adventure, we enjoyed a leisurely brunch on the garden patio and thanked God for His outstanding provision. Although we left at 1:30 pm, we knew we had a more manageable schedule that day, so we weren’t worried about the time. Our goal was to travel into the ancient city to visit the Roman Colosseum and Forum, so we took our time walking back to the train station.

An hour and a half later, we exited our second train at the base of the ruins – and gaped at the sight of this massive marvel. After basking in its glory and taking lots of pictures, we learned that our purposely unhurried romp had, unfortunately, prevented us from any possible entry into the landmark. Tickets, we soon learned, were sold out for the day. I should have known better, but we had been too tired to check such things the day before.

While pondering our options, a gentleman we believed to be a tourist information worker advised us that we could still join a group traveling into the landmark at 5:30 pm. Even better, he agreed to show us where the group was meeting – promising that he had nothing to gain and only wanted to help. Unfortunately, we learned that wasn’t quite the truth.

Tickets to join this tour came at the steep price of 60 euros/person – a triple increase in the general admission cost. Neither David nor I were willing to pay such exorbitant fares, so we declined the offer and continued our journey – promising each other that we’d come back one day to see inside. 

Although David and I couldn’t tour inside the Roman Colosseum, we still felt privileged to stand before this historical marvel. Completed in 80 AD, it took an estimated 60-100,000 Jewish slaves over eight years to finish construction of the amphitheater. With a seating capacity of over 50,000+, the original site even boasted retractable awnings to protect the spectators of gladiatorial games, animal fights, and even military reenactments from the brutal sun. 

Undeterred by this setback to our day’s adventure, David and I passed the Constantine Arch and then moved over to the entrance of the Roman Forum – only to learn that tickets for the same must be purchased at the Colosseum – and that the Forum would be closing in 10 minutes.

Laughing off what could have been a massive disappointment, David and I decided to walk to the Circus Maximus and then around to the back of the Forum ourselves instead. We were in love, standing in the heart of Rome, and nothing could dampen our spirits. Even when the Circus turned out to be a small pile of ruins that one obviously couldn’t enter without paying to see, we didn’t mind.

With the Forum to our right, we continued along Roman streets until we eventually ascended to an area where we could look back on the Forum. In God’s perfect timing, the skies were now filled with a kaleidoscope of colors – turning the ruins into a brilliant masterpiece of man-made and God-ordained splendor. The spectacle was so unexpectedly grand that we felt privileged to see it this way rather than how we had initially planned. 

David and I were blessed to see the Roman Forum at twilight from an unexpected walk that took us behind and above the ruins rather than amongst them. 

After photographing the sights with their background of heavenly colors, we thanked God for bringing us to that place at just that moment. We couldn’t have designed it any better had we tried. 

Passing the St. Peter-in-Chains church on the side of the Forum (which was also closed, of course), we next found ourselves back along the busy streets of Rome at precisely the moment when evening lights were turning on, and street performers were beginning their free evening concerts.

As the strains of “Bésame Mucho” wafted across the busy thoroughfare, I was filled with joy and excitement from our day. Grabbing David’s hands, we began dancing together on the sidewalk – as if we were the only two people in the world.

As the lights came up along a Roman street, David and I danced in celebration of the music and beauty of the moment. 

“What’s this song?” David asked as we danced. “I don’t know it.”

“Bésame Mucho,” I replied. “It means ‘Kiss me a lot,'” I explained, nestling into David’s shoulder as I savored the timeless moment.

Had we not been delayed in our journey, we never would have seen the Roman Colosseum at night.

Walking hand-in-hand back to the train station, we stopped often, listening to nighttime tour guides discuss the now-closed Forum from the street. As we languidly returned to the train station, both of us agreed that despite the obstacles that altered our plans over the past few days, we had a much better experience on our own – taking our time, stopping as often as we wanted to, viewing things that we hadn’t expected – making our own unique memories along the way.

Ruins inside the Roman Forum – including the Arch of Titus seen here – were once buried below the city until rediscovered in 1803 by archeologist Carlo Fea. Still an active archeological site, additional ruins continue to be uncovered in the area to this day. Many of the sites date back to 500 BC when the temples and monuments were first built between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills.

Neither of us would change a thing about our expedition – both on our honeymoon and in our daily journey. It’s our committed practice to consistently praise God for His care, grace, and provision at every turn. Every difficulty we overcome brings us closer to each other – not just on this venture, but every day we’re together. We perpetually see our Creator’s hand on our lives and are so grateful for His omnipotent blessings.