Category: God’s Love

God uses everything for His purpose

God uses everything for His purpose

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38)

I drove from GA to VA Beach three weeks ago with three kitties in tow to bring our fur baby, Bo, to David. Bo hadn’t been doing well due to his age and kidney disease. In the two weeks prior, Bo had almost stopped eating and was getting weaker every day. I knew I had to get him to David while I could, as Bo has been David’s near-constant companion and travel co-pilot for over 12 years.

Our brave kitty, Bo, is such a fighter.

Since my arrival in VA Beach and our steady administration of thrice weekly subcutaneous fluids, our Heavenly Father heard our prayers for more time with our beloved fur baby. Bo has since made a remarkable turnaround and is now thriving again. Every day is a gift. That’s blessing number one. 

A week after I arrived, David told me he wanted to give away his old refrigerator. He had bought a new stainless steel fridge to match his upgraded kitchen, but his old one was still working perfectly, and we didn’t want to trash it. 

“I’ll post it on ‘Everything’s free in VA Beach’ on Facebook and maybe we can get it to someone who needs it,” I suggested. David and his friend Jason pushed the fridge to the driveway’s edge. I took pictures and posted the notice. 

An hour later, David informed me that he had saved the appliance from someone who stopped by to take it for scrap. “I told the man I was glad someone could use it,” David said, “That’s when he told me he was going to scrap it. I told him that it worked, and we wanted it to go to someone who needed it.”

“I’m so glad,” I said. “Hopefully, someone will respond to my ad soon.” 

A pop-up message on my phone a few hours later advised me that our prayers had been answered. “I need this,” were the simple words I received in response to my ad. I was ecstatic. That was blessing number two – finding someone who would greatly benefit from what God allowed us to give.

David wanted his old refrigerator to go to someone who really needed it.

I replied to the respondent, Tiffany, that the fridge was still available, and we were happy it would go to a good home. Tiffany confirmed that it would, as her refrigerator wasn’t keeping things cold. After professing my joy with this news, I asked if she could pick up the appliance that evening or the next day, Thursday. 

Tiffany responded that she could get it on Friday after renting a U-Haul. I told her I’d need to check with my husband about keeping it another day, as I knew David was ready for it to be gone. 

My next thought was that we have a trailer; we could deliver it to her. I hesitated to ask David as I knew this was a huge request. Instead, I determined to explain the situation to David to see how he’d respond, unprompted. 

When David returned from the store, I shared the good news of our recipient – then informed him that we’d have to keep it until Friday since Tiffany couldn’t get a U-Haul until then. 

David looked at me without flinching and said, “I can take it to her.” 

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Will you be able to put it on your trailer upright? It won’t be too heavy?” 

“Yes. I’m sure,” David replied. “I’ll strap it in. It’ll be fine.” 

“What about your back?” I asked. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself doing this.” 

“Ask her if she can get someone to help,” David replied. “Let’s do it!” 

That’s when I told David I’d been thinking the same thing. I wanted to ensure he felt good about providing this extra service without suggesting it. With his immediate response, I knew it was the right thing to do —David’s validation of my thoughts was blessing number three.

I then contacted Tiffany to let her know that we could bring the fridge to her if she’d provided us with her address. 

“Omg, are you serious?” asked Tiffany. “Yes, I have someone. You both are such a blessing.🙌” 

“I am totally serious,” I replied. “It would be our privilege to help you, Tiffany. 🙏” 

“If you give us your address and a good time to bring it, we’ll get it there,” I continued. “It will be a gift from God through us to you.”

After providing her address, Tiffany shared, “My kids gonna be in school. They gonna be surprised tomorrow.” 

“HOORAY! Christmas in August!” I replied, “I love it!!

“Awesome. Now I don’t have to freeze their milk for cereal anymore,” Tiffany shared. “I’m so happy! 😀” 

After telling Tiffany how pleased her news made me, we coordinated a time to bring the fridge to its new home. I also asked if she had someone who could help if we needed it.

“Yes, that [time] will work,” Tiffany replied. “I have my nephew here. He will get it. You and your husband have blessed my family, and I will be forever grateful for you two. 💙”

“Amen,” I replied. “God blesses us every day, so we are just doing what we can to share those blessings with you and any others that we can. We’ll see you in the morning!!!” 

The next day, and a few texts later, I’d cleaned up David’s old microwave as Tiffany confirmed that she could use it also. In the meantime, David pulled his trailer around and called me outside to help. 

After attempting to push and pull the fridge directly onto the trailer, we knew we needed a different system to load it. David found two long boards in his backyard and screwed them into the wood. 

Just as I attempted to push and David pull the fridge up, a truck drove by, pulled over, and a Good Samaritan jumped out to help. David saw him first and told me to stop. After trotting back to help me push, we had the fridge on the trailer ready to strap down. 

Better than strapping it alone, David fashioned an ingenious board system around the appliance that he screwed down to keep the fridge from moving. With the straps and boards in place, I snapped photos and told Tiffany we were on our way.

With the help of a Good Samaritan and David’s ingenious framing system, we loaded David’s fridge on his trailer for special delivery to a family in need.

Upon arrival in downtown Norfolk, we were met by Tiffany’s nephew, who helped us get the fridge off the trailer and up the steps to their home. After sharing hugs and gratitude, I told Tiffany how God had brought David and me together in FL after Hurricane Ian. 

David helped push his fridge up 3 steps to Tiffany’s porch.

“We both long to share God’s blessings with others. Now, we’re able to do so together. I hope every time you look at this fridge, you remember that God loves you. Tell your children that, too. You are so important! Never forget that.”

“I won’t,” Tiffany confirmed. 

As David and I drove away, I was struck by the fact that however much we give and no matter what we do, we can never outgive God. Our cups are overflowing with God’s mercies every single day. David and I recount our blessings every time we pray. We have each other, first and foremost, which will always be the uttermost tangible gift either of us has ever received from our Heavenly Father. Love is an infinite, unquantifiable godsend for which we will never stop thanking our Creator.

David and I shared hugs and smiles after the successful hand-off of his former fridge to its new owners.

Additionally, we have our health, home, and David’s VA Beach house, which we get closer to completing every day. We also have food in our refrigerator and clothes on our backs, and we are safe. We are blessed with everything we need, and God has allowed us to share what we have with others.

David and his co-pilot Bo were all smiles on their return trip to GA following Bo’s miraculous recovery.

We also, miraculously, have our sweet Bo-man for a little longer, as God has seen fit to restore him to near-perfect health and surprising vigor since I arrived in VA Beach. We are so grateful for every extra day with him – especially the good days we’ve experienced lately.

Even more so, in giving of ourselves and our abundance, we can share God’s blessings with others. While my interaction with Tiffany was brief, I hope and pray that the words shared and the household appliances gifted will serve as tangible evidence of our Heavenly Father’s goodness, grace, and generosity in her life. Although we’ll never know if anything we did impacted her in any way, our Creator does, and that’s all that matters.

God can use anything and everything for His purpose – even a refrigerator – to reach the lives of those who might never have heard His name or seen Him in any other way. We never know what our Creator will need us to give, what He will ask us to say, or who He wants us to tell it to. All we can do is give, speak, and pray that God will use it all for His divine purpose.

Everything we have is His anyway. All we’re doing is giving back as He directs us.

I got you

I got you

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

For most of my life, Valentine’s Day was a somber reminder of how unloved I always felt. Visits to the store around this holiday always made me feel like I was the oddball, never knowing what it was like to feel truly loved. Worse yet, my desire for unselfish love was called “unrealistic” by my former abusive spouses. The desire to love and be loved that God planted in my heart at a young age was “unachievable,” I was told. As a result, I believed the kind of love I hoped for could never be real. It was a fairy tale, an illusion, a stupid, unattainable, idealistic notion. Sad as that was, I acknowledged and accepted that as reality.

Wedding day, VA Beach – March 12, 2023

Mercifully, God thought differently – and sent me David.

Knowing that I am now unconditionally loved every single day still seems surreal to me. And yet, here I am, still in awe of finding my soulmate – the one person God created for me even as he crafted me for him. I still find myself asking my husband, “Are you for real?”

“Every day is Valentine’s Day to us,” I told David in the lead-in to the candy-crusted celebration. “Every day, we have love, love, love – not just on one day of the year. I love you more every day, and that’s never going to change.”

Cinque Terre, Italy – October 2023

Our love story spans the ages. I never tire of hugging, kissing, and telling David how much he means to me. Our prayers always start by thanking God for “love, love, love.” No matter what passes between us, we are committed to staying as much in love today as we were when David asked me to marry him.

But how can we do so? I can answer that question with a single word – God. God is the cord that ties the two of us together. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Can anyone imagine a love like that? David and I can. Each of us would gladly lay down our lives for one another. We can’t imagine a world where we aren’t together. Isn’t that just how our Creator feels? “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Torrey Pines Natural State Reserve, La Jolla, CA – January 2024

And what about 1 John 4:19, which says, “We love because He first loved us”? Isn’t that precisely why our Creator joined David and me in marriage? We stepped out in faith to show God’s love to strangers, and in return, we can now be the embodiment of His love in action to one another. To David and me, love is precisely what our hearts always hoped for but never thought we’d find.

David and I found one another because of Christ. We know that. We thank God for that – daily, constantly, with every heartbeat. God is the cord that surrounds us. Jesus first demonstrated love by dying on the cross for our sins. And that unique, unselfish love ties the two of us together. We are unbreakable because of Christ.

Tavernier, Florida Keys, FL – December 2023

David and I each know that we could have spent the rest of our lives apart, serving God, worshipping our Savior, and praising Him for His mighty love in our lives. Instead, we not only have the Creator’s love but also share that same unquenchable, unexplainable, unbreakable love for one another that He has for the two of us – and all the world that He made. God doesn’t want us to be separated from Him – that’s why He sent His Son to bridge the chasm that would forever separate us from Him – sin. Christ’s sacrifice covered our sins with His love. The perfect blood of the Lamb allows us to live forever with our Creator for all eternity. We have only to acknowledge our sins, proclaim our need for a Savior, accept Jesus as God’s only Son into our hearts, and ask Him to make us new again.

La Jolla Beach, CA – January 2024

My wish to everyone reading these words is not that you will find your true love on earth but that you will acknowledge Jesus as your Savior first and let Him lead you to His great love. Without Christ, there can be no such thing as perfect love. You must begin with God and keep Him at the forefront of your heart and mind thereafter. Then, and only then, can you find and understand what real love is.

Valentine’s Day Banquet at our Brunswick GA church – February 2024

1 John 4:7 reminds us, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” Love isn’t a fairy tale. It’s obtainable and achievable by anyone who asks Christ into their heart. Do so today! Your lonely heart can be filled to overflowing when you invite Christ into your life to become your Savior. I’m a living, breathing testimony to the same.

I’ve always had Christ – and that thought kept me strong enough to hold on. If someone couldn’t love me like Christ could, I would rather be alone. Through all the fires, all the triumphs, and all the brokenness in my life – God was always with me.

And now – thanks to Jesus – I have David.

Invite Jesus inside you and let Him make you whole. He has always held you in the palm of His hand. Once you’ve asked Christ into your heart, you too will be able to say with as much joy as I do that “I got you.”