Author: Sara

Following God’s Direction

Following God’s Direction

Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you, a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go.’ whether to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21)

2020 was a rough year for everyone. There’s no doubt about it. No matter what part of the world one lives in, everyone everywhere was touched by the COVID pandemic in some way, shape, or form. We all learned, anew, the frailty of our safety, security, and subsistence. Everything we believed in, hoped for, dreamed of, and saved for has the potential to be lost in a single, unexpected, irretrievable, uncontrolled moment – everything, that is, except for God. 

Cherry Creek Reservoir, Aurora CO

Nothing that happened last year caught our Creator by surprise. He knew what would happen in 2020, as He does what will occur in 2021 and all the years yet to come. As Hebrews 13:8 tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” In a world filled with anxiety, tension, and insecurity, that thought gives me great comfort. 

On New Year’s Day, my brother asked me if I had any New Year’s resolutions or if I even believed in such things. I told him that I didn’t, per se, but that my prayer is the same as it always is – for God to make His way known to me in the days yet to come.  

I often wish that I could know, for certain, what God would have me do with my life. I strive to serve Him but know that I usually come up empty-handed. I pray for wisdom and discernment but still struggle for confidence in the decisions that I make. I weigh the pros and cons of both sides of a matter before determining what path I will choose but still wonder, at times, if I am making the right choices. Can any of us ever know for sure if we are doing the right thing? 

One of my favorite reads in 2020 was Pastor David Jeremiah’s book, Forward. In it, Dr. Jeremiah writes the following: 

“You’re traveling an appointed way filled with promise and productivity. Everything in your past has prepared you for what’s next, and every promise of God will provide what’s needed. This is no time to let anxiety, apathy, or anything else hamper you.” 

Easier said than done. We are all human, and the world is an uncertain place right now. 

Last November, I began sending out monthly meeting recurrences for 2021, and my boss told me she appreciated this reminder of future events. “I’ll be happy when this year is over,” she told me. “I’ve had enough of 2020.” 

But how would a new calendar change anything, I wondered? How different is any day from the next, let alone January third from December third? Can switching to a new year modify anything other than our viewpoint? 

The truth is, the only thing we have control of in life is our perspective. The loss of a job, for example, can bring worry and trepidation or determination and hope. It’s all a matter of our perception – or, better still, our faith and trust in God’s provision. 

“I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

I have no idea what changes this new year will bring to my existence, and I fully accept that my life in 2021 could change in a moment, just as it did in 2020. 

What I do know with absolute certainty is that God will be with me every step of the way. I pray that He will guide my actions and show me whether I should move to the right or the left, as the prophet Isaiah foretold. 

With each passing day, I pray that I will become bolder in my faith and testimony, strengthened by my Creator, who loves me unconditionally. I can’t be sure that I will always make the right decisions, but I can affirm that I will keep praying over my choices, weighing the consequences, and asking God to give me the discernment to know which way I should go. 

As David Jeremiah explains, each new day brings promise and possibility when we surrender our will to God’s. “When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, your future is always unfolding at the speed of grace. God is waiting to use you now more than ever, and your life is far from finished. It’s just beginning.” 

While 2021 remains unknown, I take strength in the promise that God is always with me. Nothing will happen this year that I can’t face with my Creator by my side. I serve a risen Savior, and I will always love and follow HIm. “Show me Your way, o Lord; teach me Your paths.” (Psalm 25:4) May it be so for all of us – in this year and all the days of our lives.
God sees your heart

God sees your heart

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

Christmas is a memorable holiday for my family. We savor our gifts – all the way down to the wrapping paper. Some of the gift-wrap is so exceptional that we often take great strides to open packages carefully enough that we can reuse them again. This year, my brother, fully aware of this custom, started opening presents with an exaggerated response of, “My, what lovely paper! Wherever did you find it?” As we all laughed, I repeated his phrase with each new package opened. 

Over time, this theme became a bit of a calling card for me. Throughout my life, appreciation has formed the foundation for my being. I’ve often told others, “I appreciate life, all the way down to the wrapping paper.” I notice the littlest things God created – from the various hues that color the sky at sunset to the intricate patterns in flowers and the chattering noises that squirrels make when they chase each other in trees. Such things always make me smile. 

But what do I see when I look in the mirror? Too often, I judge myself harshly. I worry that my hair seldom looks the way I want it to or that my frequent smiles have left permanent crinkles around my eyes. Deeper still, I compare myself to others in fear that I can never measure up to the beauty, intellect, and expertise I see in them. Society has convinced women, in particular, that we can never be too thin, too fit, or perfect enough to compare with the standards we see in movies, television, and magazines. 

Photo courtesy of Diana Villier

God’s standards, however, are quite different than ours. He created everything to be exactly the way He wants it to be – from the intricate markings on colorful parrots to the skeleton-less blobfish – and He doesn’t worry about our wrapping paper. He perceives our innermost being then considers our character and conviction to be of far greater value than anything the world may judge us by.

When God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint the next King of Israel, Samuel saw Jesse’s oldest sons’ strength and appearance and felt confident that one of these young men would be selected by His Creator. Samuel, however, held a perception of what a king should look like that was far different than God’s.

God wasn’t impressed by the physical traits of these eight men and considered only their hearts – hearts He knew were far from Him. It wasn’t until Jesse brought his youngest son, David, to meet with the prophet that God directed Samuel to mark David with His favor. “The Lord said, ‘Arise, anoint him, for this is the one!'” (1 Samuel 16:12).

God saw past David’s ruddy complexion and simple, shepherding profession to the soul of one who sought only to honor and worship his Creator. David is referred to as a “man after [God’s] own heart” (Samuel 13:14) – not because of his appearance, but because of his faith. 

As we move into a new year, it is my greatest prayer that God will see my heart and guide me in the path that I should follow. I continually strive to let go of worldly expectations and remember that it is only my Creator’s perception that matters. After all, it is not my wrapping paper that God sees, but my heart of compassion and service. 

Each of us has but one life to give to our Creator. Our most significant accomplishments are those we enact for His benefit. May we all live our lives in light of that truth and never forget to love, honor, and worship Him in the days, months, and years ahead.

God sees your heart, beloved. Use it for His service.

Gifts for the King

Gifts for the King

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

There’s a reason why Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year,” and it has nothing to do with presents. During the holidays, the whole world seems to take on a bright, happy glow. Between the festive decorations that adorn people’s homes and the colorful keepsakes that festoon our Christmas trees, there is something merry and bright everywhere we look. For me, though, more than the festivities, food, and family, it is the birth of my Savior that causes my heart to swell with joy and adoration. 

Every year for the past eight years, I’ve been blessed to spend Christmas with my beloved family in Colorado. As much as I enjoy the walks my mother, brother, and I take together in the crisp, cool air and the jubilance I feel as we laugh together, it is the power of presence that makes this time so precious. The greatest gifts are always those that are intangible. 

This principle was exemplified by the gifts presented by the Wise Men or Magi to Jesus. More than simple offerings, their presents demonstrated a unique understanding of the Christ child.

The gift of gold was given in acknowledgment of Christ’s lordship. Such a treasure was only provided to royalty. For the Magi to present this gift was to concede his royal governance over their lives. 

Frankincense is a costly resin used as a holy incense in religious ceremonies. Far from common usage, frankincense was burned by priests in honor of a deity. One would hardly provide such a gift without recognition of its devout symbolism. 

Myrrh is a spice used in biblical times as an anointing oil or perfume, used to prepare the deceased’s body for burial. While we can’t be certain, perhaps the Magi chose this gift in recognition of Jesus’s impending death and resurrection for all of humanity. 

In combination, these royal gifts present a depth of understanding of Christ’s royalty, deity, and purpose. Would that we all had such wisdom in our perception of Jesus. 

What gifts do we now offer our King? We don’t need to see Christ to worship at His feet and acknowledge His divine lordship over our lives. God doesn’t ask us to present costly gifts to Him. He only asks that we love, recognize, and accept Him as our Savior. When we do so, we are receiving the greatest gift that has ever been given to humanity – the gift of eternal life, paid for by the blood of Christ. How could we ever provide anything less than our own lives in return? 

Years ago, I wrote a poem entitled “The Greatest Gift.” While it’s too long to share in this forum, I end with the final stanzas in summation and remembrance of this very thing. 

Should I bring you more frankincense, myrrh, or pure gold, 

Like the Wise Men once brought you in stories of old? 

I can’t bring you riches, in full or in part. 

What I can give you, freely, is my servant’s heart. 

I bring you my soul, Lord, so use me this day. 

You determine my path, and I’ll do what you say. 

This Christmas, I give back to the Potter my clay. 

Lord, mold me and use me, dear Father, I pray. 

This Christmas, I give my heart, soul, and life to Jesus. He is my everything, and I give all I am to Him, today and every day. My life, after all, is the only gift I can present that is worthy of my King. My prayer is that you, too, will do the same. 

This Christmas, give your life away to Jesus. It is the most significant offering you will ever give in return for the most incredible gift you will ever receive.

True satisfaction in Christ

True satisfaction in Christ

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (Psalms 90:14)

With twelve days left until Christmas, we all should admit that no amount of pipers piping, milking maids, or golden rings will ever make us happy. Well, okay. Many people would be quite content to find five golden rings under their Christmas tree, but my point is, material happiness never lasts. The only real and lasting happiness we will ever find comes from the intangible, indescribable gift of knowing Christ as our Savior. 

We all have memories of special Christmas gifts we received, growing up. For me, my favorite Christmas presents were my Fisher-Price toys. How I loved adding a new item to my collection each year. I had the house, garage, school, barn, hospital, village, airport, and even the castle – complete with a horse-drawn carriage and dragon. While it may seem strange to play with a castle alongside an airport, in my make-believe world, it was perfectly normal. I delighted in setting everything up on our living room floor and combining everything together. Such memories are treasures to me.

I will never forget the year that I “happened” to find my Fisher-Price Village before Christmas. As jubilant as my initial discovery made me, I soon learned that anticipation is part of what makes the season so magical . That year, I vowed to never again look for gifts before Christmas. To this day, I’m a stickler for waiting to open presents until December 25th. 

Nowadays, I enjoy doing and giving to others much more than receiving gifts. One particular enjoyment I have each December is serving as a Bell Ringer for The Salvation Army. 

This year, with COVID, we were given masks to wear as we stood by the kettle. Since I was outside, I hoped to get away without covering my face and did so for the first half-hour of my duty. I was having a grand time until the store manager came out and sternly told me I needed to put on my mask. 

“Even though I’m outside?” I queried. 

“Yes,” she responded. So much for smiling my good cheer as I rang my bell. 

I put on my mask but doing so seemed to tangibly cover my joy. The provided face-covering was tight and made it hard for me to say “Merry Christmas” and “God bless you” as shoppers entered and exited the store. No one can see my smile, I thought. How can they tell if I’m happy? 

Determined to “smile” through my second bell ringing experience, I wore a mask I had purchased at the start of the pandemic. The pink face-covering boasted a white-lined smile. They may not see the real thing, I mused, but at least there’s a smile on my face. 

My happiness demonstration overcome, my next difficulty proved to be a missing bell, since the store was unable to locate the iconic symbol. As the first Bell Ringer of the day, I set up the kettle and puzzled over what to do. It’s hard to be a Bell Ringer without a bell, after all. 

It doesn’t matter, I thought, I have my music, and that will be enough. I always bring a Bluetooth speaker to this activity and tune my phone to “Rockin’ Holidays Radio” on Pandora. The music is my way of adding to the atmosphere and spreading holiday cheer. This time, standing still without a bell didn’t seem to be an option, so I tentatively began to dance along to the music. 

To my delight, people responded to my smiling face mask, peppy music, and silly dance moves as time progressed. I lost my previous inhibition and became caught up in the atmosphere as people started dancing along – commenting that I was getting them in the holiday spirit. “I really like how you changed things up with your music and dancing,” one woman commented – causing me to broaden my smile, behind the mask.  

Another passerby asked me where my bell was. To my shrugged shoulders and uplifted hands, he responded, “You are the bell! Keep it up!” I was more than happy to oblige. 

Way too often, we consume ourselves with the things that we don’t have – Christmas gifts we didn’t receive, a missing bell, or other tangible items we’ve convinced ourselves that we need when we really don’t. How much more satisfying would our lives be if we stopped to thank God for all the blessings we do have? Good health, sunshine, laughter, and love – such things are priceless and provide longer-lasting joy than any material items can provide. We are blessed beyond measure and need to remember the bounty that God has bestowed upon us. 

Right now, approximately 4,600 homeless people are living in Savannah, praying for overnight shelter in a facility that The Salvation Army or other organization can provide to them. Tomorrow morning, they will be asked to leave for the day while the facility is cleaned. Many of them may eventually move to live beneath bridges or in one of the homeless communities around our area. These individuals don’t have the peace and comfort of knowing where their next meal is coming from, let alone where they can lay their heads for the night. 

I have a home, food, job, good health – and more blessings than I deserve. How trivial it seems to fuss over a little thing like a missing bell while collecting money for the less fortunate.  

There is much for me to be grateful for this Christmas. Most of all, I am loved by a God who is slow to anger and perpetually willing to forgive me for my foolishness. I have true satisfaction in Christ, and there are 10,000 reasons for my heart to sing – and dance – through the holiday season and beyond.

Visit The Salvation Army’s website to learn more about their ministry and consider giving to the Red Kettle campaign, as you are able to.

Be His hands and feet

Be His hands and feet

She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. (Proverbs 31:20)

This past week, I was blessed to assist at the annual Thanksgiving meal at the Union Mission in Savannah. While some may say that volunteering is a time to give back to the community, I prefer to think of it as my way of being the hands and feet of Christ. I don’t volunteer just to help the needy. I give of myself to shine His light, wherever it’s needed. 

This year, due to COVID, the event was held outdoors, socially distanced, with everyone wearing face masks. I worked at the greeting tent, where I squirted sanitizer into the hands of those who were entering the activity. While handing out plastic bags for the clothing give-away, I had a unique opportunity to look into the eyes of everyone who joined us.  

“Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you,” I told each participant who passed me. While everyone returned my greeting, some did so in a way that made my heart sing.

“He already has,” one man enthusiastically responded. 

“I’m blessed every day,” affirmed another. 

I could only thank them for their profound testimonies, despite their circumstances. 

Behind our canopied welcome area, a mother and her daughter stood next to a pick-up truck filled with bagged items they were giving away themselves. When the opportunity allowed, I wandered over to ask these two young ladies questions and learn about what they were doing. 

Six-year-old Bethany was only five when she encountered her first homeless person, standing on a street corner, holding a sign. According to her mother, Colleen, Bethany cried and begged to go home to get her piggy bank so she could give all her savings to this individual. 

“We had to do something,” Colleen explained. 

What they did was begin a project they call Bethany’s Happy Bags for the Homeless. Each bag contains essential items that will help those who are living on the street. Socks, protein bars, a drink, deodorant, body wipes, bug spray, tuna or chicken salad, and sunblock fill each bag. Along with the essentials, hand-written notes are added to remind recipients that someone cares about them. 

Over the past year, this simple act of kindness has grown from a little girl’s pursuit to help a single person to a Facebook page where some of the posts have 60,000 likes. Colleen’s mother has attached an Amazon wish list for readers to send supplies directly to their home to help in assembling more bags. Finished creations are distributed to the Union Mission and through the Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless and the city police department. 

Bethany and Colleen Moultry

Local news outlets have picked up the story along with ABC’s Good Morning America. To date, after the Thanksgiving event, Bethany’s Happy Bags have been distributed to over 750 recipients over the past year. Readers from across the country have been touched by this little girl’s efforts – inspiring us all to do more to make a difference in our communities.  

But how can we do so? Perhaps the most important calling we have as Christians is to shine God’s light into a dark world. If a six-year-old can fulfill her mission to help the homeless, how much more so should we, as Christians, fulfill our God-given purpose in sharing His love with a world in need of a Savior? What gift could provide a greater benefit than eternal life?

When was the last time we made a real effort to show love to the people we work with or even those we pass on the street? Are we kind? Do we thank the store clerks, trash collectors, postal workers, cleaning staff, and security guards we see? Do we rush past the needy, pretending that we don’t see them, or do we offer a smile and a friendly greeting? None of us should ever underestimate the power of God’s love, as demonstrated by our own behavior. 

A simple act of kindness can change someone’s day. Even better, prayer and compassion can change someone’s eternal destiny. Let’s love one another in demonstration of the unequivocal grace provided by our heavenly Savior. Jesus Christ gave up His life to save our souls. The very least we can do is share His sacrificial love with others.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him might never perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

We are God’s hands and feet. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

We are Christ’s representatives on earth. Shine brightly. Open your hearts and hands to do the Father’s work and share His love with everyone you meet. It’s my mission to do so. Will you join me in doing the same? 

The steadfast greatness of our God

The steadfast greatness of our God

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)

I hate that I am an emotional creature, but I am who God made me to be. Some days, I am filled with faith, love, joy, and confidence. Other days, when the devil attacks me, I’m filled with fear, tension, anxiety, and trepidation. Thank God I serve a Creator who loves me and remains a constant source of strength, no matter what kind of day I am having. 

Last Tuesday, I woke early and began to purposely count my blessings. From the cozy bed I sleep in to the sweet kitties that keep me company, my life is filled with both simple and grand love-gifts from God. How often do we thank our heavenly Father for a warm bed on a cold night, a dependable roof over our heads when it’s raining, and lives that are pain and sickness-free? I’d venture to say, not often enough. 

Most of us take for granted the “simple” things in life – sunshine and flowers, a refrigerator full of food to eat, and transportation to get ourselves to work each day. Instead, we complain about traffic, grumble over rainy days, and bemoan the fact that we can’t eat out as often as we’d like to. What spoiled people we are. How quickly we forget how much God has done for us. 

In the days of Moses, the Israelites, too, were an ungrateful people. Despite their first-hand witness of God’s hand of rescue and protection from their Egyptian oppressors, they complained about what they had to eat during their exodus. “The whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The Israelites said to them, ‘If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this assembly to death.” (Exodus 16: 2-3) 

These men and women had seen the plagues of water turning into blood, frogs, lice, flies, animal pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the death of firstborn children. They had crossed the Red Sea on dry land and witnessed the waters close on the Egyptian soldiers who followed them. They had followed a cloud filled with the presence of God by day and a pillar of fire by night. They had seen Moses call upon God to bring fresh water out of dry rock and make bitter waters drinkable.

And yet, they still complained. How quick they were to forget their miraculous escape from over 400 years of Egyptian slavery and instead focus on their insignificant bellies. 

Before we judge the Israelites too quickly for their ingratitude, each of us should look deep inside ourselves and question whether we would have done the same thing. Most likely, we would have. We are all quick to focus on what we perceive is wrong with our lives rather than what is right – myself included. God is faithful, and we need to remember that He always has our best interests at heart. “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.” (Deuteronomy 7:9)

Whenever we forget our blessings, we focus on the world’s challenges rather than God’s victories. I have a quote on my refrigerator that says the following: 

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, all the fears you have overcome. 

– Unknown

I’d like to take that quote and give it a personal, Biblical perspective since God is “my refuge and strength.” (Psalm 46:1) Let’s change it to this: 

Whenever I find myself doubting how far I can go, I remind myself how far God has brought me. I remember everything I have overcome with His help, all the battles He has granted me victory over, and all the fears He has put behind me. 

Emotional creatures or not, God loves us and promised never to leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) He knows our frailties and failures, and yet He loves us in spite of our foolish selves. 

Whether we acknowledge our great Provider or we don’t, He is always with us, taking care of us. “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) If we’re honest with ourselves, we cannot deny this truism. We are blessed beyond measure and loved beyond belief. 

Whatever emotions may befall me this week, it’s assuring to know that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) God is faithful. He blesses us daily. God gives us strength. He loves us despite our flaws, and He will always take care of us.

As we move into Thanksgiving week, may we keep these absolutes at the forefront of our minds and daily remember all we have to be grateful for – including the steadfast greatness of our God. 

Staying rooted in Christ

Staying rooted in Christ

Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:7)

I’ve always had unwavering faith. I trust that God knows what’s best for me, and He will provide what I need in His time. I know that. I believe that. Nothing could ever shake my belief in Him. In fact, I always end my petitions to God with, ”Nevertheless, Your will be done, Lord. Show me Your will.”

Recently, however, I started questioning my understanding of the expectations of faith. My fealty is steadfast, but might I be asking too much? What if I’m hoping for the impossible? Is it arrogant to ask God for something and then say I have the faith to believe God can grant it to me just because I asked? Is it sacrilege to pray for the best while preparing for the worst?

Perhaps my confusion was generated when a friend assured me that my prayers had “already been answered. God has everything in place,” she said, “and He will reveal everything to you, in His time.” 

A part of me was taken aback at that counsel, assuring as it was, as I know in my heart that God may very well say, “No” to my prayers. 

Over the past few months, while petitioning God, I’ve prayed with a passion, with tears streaming down my face. I’ve prayed prostrate on my bedroom floor, in my bed in the middle of the night, in my car, while cutting the grass, and anytime I’ve felt compelled to do so. I’ve asked God, over and over again, to hear my prayers and make His way known to me. I always end by asking Him to show me what He would have me do. More than anything, I want to serve Him and shelter beneath His peaceful arms.

But here was my friend, telling me that God had already worked everything out for me. “He’s got this under control,” she said. “Everything will be revealed in time.” While I may have misinterpreted her meaning, she seemed to be saying that I would receive what I was praying for – and I don’t know that to be true. 

The more that I pondered this idea, the more confused I became. I can’t “name it and claim it,” as prosperity gospel preaches. God’s will doesn’t work that way. 

But was my lack of believing that God would grant me my petition evidencing a lack of faith? Heaven forbid! 

God’s word reminds us to place our faith and trust in Him. In fact, not doing so may invoke His displeasure. “And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) 

And what about this? “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

During a recent conversation with my brother, I expressed my uncertainty. Is my allowance for God’s possible “No” prohibiting me from hearing a “Yes”? My mind reeled at the implications. Perhaps I was praying all wrong. Maybe I wasn’t demonstrating enough faith. 

“You have to pray hard, yes, but you also have to trust that God will do what is best,” my brother affirmed. “You have to ask Him for His will.”

“Yes. I know that’s true,” I replied, “I just needed to hear it out loud again.” How reassuring to hear my own convictions echoed in the sage wisdom of my brother.

While preparing for work the next day, I pulled out a silver locket I hadn’t worn in quite some time. The chain was tarnished, but the cross on the front was as bright as ever.

Opening it, I smiled to rediscover three tiny mustard seeds I had placed inside, years ago. The sight immediately reminded me of Matthew 17:20 and God’s promise that nothing is impossible in Him. Just as my brother’s words did, seeing these seeds sent the perfect message of reassurance at precisely the time when I needed it.

The devil delights in planting doubt in our minds. If he can make us question our beliefs, he can introduce fear, anxiety, and stress in their place. All these things take our focus off our Savior, who has everything under control. 

While the devil’s weapon of doubt may occasionally threaten to overshadow my mustard seed faith, I remain rooted in Christ, and those roots run deep. Rivers of fear, floodwaters of discouragement, and tidal waves of disappointment may threaten to expose my roots and wash me away at times, but my faith is founded in the enduring certainty that “God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Nothing can uproot that anchor.

And so my greatest prayer has been answered. God has replaced my uncertainty with a newly fortified sense of peace. I trust my Savior, and my confidence will remain in Him no matter how He answers my prayers. My faith, after all, doesn’t reside in the belief that I will always get what I ask for, but rather in knowing that my Heavenly Father will always give me what He knows I need.

Even if the mountains never move, I can still say, It is well with my soul, for I am rooted in Christ.

Focus to see the light

Focus to see the light

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

It’s been five days since the 2020 national election, and America is more disjointed, disillusioned, and dysfunctional than ever before. Over the last week, I’ve felt every emotion possible – fear, panic, anger, frustration, happiness, and abject sorrow. As I mentioned to my family, it’s a good thing I know that God is in control as my belief in the innate goodness of humankind is virtually non-existent. Violence, destruction, hatred, and disrespect have become the new acceptable norm, and such a notion is disheartening.

I’ve carefully avoided speaking about political matters in this forum, as I know how controversial they can be. Nothing can turn friend against friend and blood against blood quite as profoundly as the political issues that divide us. For me, politics is not as much about party lines as it is about my values. I vote my conscience and stand up for what I believe in – both in and out of the political arena. 

Church sign, Port Wentworth, GA

The most important part of who I am is my faith in God and Jesus Christ as my Savior. I will never forget when a former pastor I worked for told me that he didn’t believe things were black and white. He preferred, instead, to view the world in “shades of gray.” While we disagreed on many issues, to me, this was the most paramount. To hear him say “there are no such things as moral absolutes” made me question what he was doing in the pulpit, leading a congregation. 

There are no gray areas in the Holy Bible. Sin is sin, and no one can argue justification for sinful actions. 

We are all sinners – me, chief among them. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10) In big and small ways, all of us sin, and sin keeps us separate from a holy God. Without the blood of Christ, shed for us on the cross of Calvary, none of us would ever be good enough, sinless enough, or devout enough to be allowed entry into heaven. 

As Christians, we are called to be different, model ourselves after Christ, and be set apart to live lives that point others to Him.

  • “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 
  • Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)
  • Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. (Ephesians 5:1)

As a Christian, I will not condone, support, or participate in things contrary to my faith. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

Such considerations bring me back to the election. In shining the light of Christ and affirming what I believe, I have a moral obligation to back political candidates that support the same. Perhaps my biggest disappointment this past week was accepting that Biblical values hold little significance to others. “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.” (Ezekiel 12:1)

Early voting lines in rural GA

It’s sobering to realize that the majority of one’s society stands diametrically opposed to everything that one believes in. While opposition to conservative values has increased a hundred-fold in my lifetime, greater hostility to the gospel may soon be upon us.

Along with countless others, I pray for our nation and cannot help but mourn the officials won and lost in this past election. More than the candidates, it is their political positions that have the potential to alter the course of our nation’s future. Such consideration is heartbreaking, but I take hope in the assurance that my God is greater than any political candidate or campaign issue.

“Let my cry come before You, oh Lord; give me understanding according to your word.” (Psalm 119: 169)

While I will never understand what God allows and doesn’t allow, nor why earnest prayers often remain unanswered, I know that God is in control, and that’s all that matters. “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'” (Isaiah 55: 8-9)

I don’t know what’s ahead in America’s future, but it’s enough to know that God does. In times like these, we must keep our hearts and minds focused on Him and not what is happening on earth. As Aristotle said, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” 

I will continue to pray that God will forgive and heal us, as a nation, in the days, months, and years ahead. My laser focus is on Christ. He is the light of the world, and I know He will guide us through the darkness.

Beauty for ashes

Beauty for ashes

Bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. (Isaiah 61:3)

Our Heavenly Father approves everything that touches our lives before it occurs. That may be an uncomfortable statement, but it’s the truth. Sunshine and rain, laughter and tears, triumph and tragedy – these contrasts comprise the fiber of our existence in an interconnected pattern that only the Master’s hand could weave together. While we might never choose many of the events that mark us, we should take comfort in knowing that God is in control of everything and nothing catches Him by surprise. 

During my recent trip to the Colorado mountains, my mother, brother, and I hiked beautiful areas that provided gorgeous landscapes and endless photo ops. God’s beauty was on grand display in the sky, lakes, mountains, and trees surrounding us. The thousands of photos I captured attest to that fact. 

Monarch Lake

On our third day in Grand Lake, I attempted to retrieve a timed entry into the Rocky Mountain National Park, to no avail. Entrance into the federal area was restricted due to COVID and all tickets for the next three days of our stay were sold-out. While driving to our cabin, we noticed a small lot adjacent to the park unencumbered by this restriction. With few other options for the day, we decided to hike there instead. 

After parking our car and beginning our walk, it didn’t take long to determine why this area was wide open to the public. The blackened trees and barren landscape gave evidence that this area had been ransacked by fire at some point. While a few brave souls played frisbee golf on a conjoining walkway, few hikers, other than us, braved this sparse and bleak terrain. 

It was hot without the canopy of trees, and while new growth was emerging in areas around a small lake, most of the landscape was desolate and ugly. The three of us walked in silence, for the most part, as if our words, themselves, might disturb the somberness of the scenery. 

We chanced upon a small, female goldfinch, at one point, sitting in the middle of the path as if she was injured and unable to fly. While she, too, seemed dismayed by the surreality of her surroundings, she flew away when I attempted to help her from the trail. While unharmed, the shaded yellows of her plumage appeared to evidence the soot of the land. I immediately missed her living presence in the seemingly dead environs when she was gone. 

After hiking for a while, we took a brief rest on the embedded rocks and fallen timber in the blackened forest – each of us lost in our own thoughts. I snapped a photo of an ironic “No smoking” sign while thinking back to the public service announcements of my youth with Smokey the Bear reminding us all that “Only you can prevent forest fires.” 

In consideration of the sign, I wondered to myself what peril had sparked this disaster. Was it caused by human carelessness or force of nature? How long ago had it occurred? Would the area ever fully recover its former glory? 

“I hate this hike,” my mother said, about an hour into our journey. “We need to get out of here.” 

While returning, a slice of red caught my attention amongst the black and gray markings along the trail. Perched amid the ashes, a healthy plant with flaming red spires bloomed alone. Whether weed or flower, my impression remained the same. The contrasting artistry in the scarred environment struck me as a promise of God’s presence along life’s painful pathways.

After taking a photo, Isaiah 61:3 sprung to my head. The New Living Translation of this scripture says, “To all who mourn…He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning.”  

How often do we speak as my mom did when facing troubles? “I hate this. I need to get out of here.”

No one wants to go through the fire. At times, we all face debilitating and destructive challenges with no logical purpose other than to cause us heartache. Each of us wants to live victorious lives, free from difficulties, but the best lessons are ofttimes learned when we are on our knees in prayer and submission to God’s hand of correction and trial. 

God uses our weakness to make us strong. Andrew Murray explains this well in the following statement: “There is no truth more generally admitted among earnest Christians than that in their utter weakness. There is also no truth more generally misunderstood and abused. The Christian thinks his weakness his greatest hindrance in the life and service of God: God tells us that it is the secret of strength and success. It is our weakness, heartily accepted and continually realized, that gives us our claim and access to the strength of God. All our strength is in Christ, laid up and waiting for use.” (1)

On October 14, 2020, just thirty-two days after we vacationed there, fire struck the town of Grand Lake and the surrounding region. In a matter of hours, a blazing force eviscerated this magnificent community, causing emergency evacuations, the loss of two lives, and unquantifiable property damage. As of this writing, the Troublesome Fire, as it was aptly named, burned through 150,000 acres in a single night, with total destruction of 193,774 acres of land over 302 square miles, destroying 300 homes and approximately 200 secondary structures.

The joy I felt during our time in the mountains has forever tied me to this region, and my heart breaks to consider any destruction to this resplendent environment. With great concern, I reached out to the homeowners of the places we stayed to let them know I was praying for them and ask about their property. I’ve since learned that one of the homes escaped the carnage, but the second cabin has yet to be confirmed intact. 

While we don’t understand such tragedies, they serve as reminders of life’s fleetingness and the importance of appreciating the world’s splendor around us. My family’s memories in this magnificent mountain retreat are all the more precious when I think of all that has been lost there recently.

Pillars of smoke rising above the Rocky Mountains

The moment I learned about the destruction facing this area, I thanked God for my family’s safety during our trip. In my next breath, I prayed for God’s mercy over this area. We had seen smoke above the mountains from another active fire while we were there but never felt we were in danger. Although we often take our security for granted, we should never cease to pray nor underestimate God’s unseen hand of protection over our lives each day.

Blessedly, God sent a heavy snow to blanket the area and calm the flames. Homeowners are only now returning to assess the full damage of this destruction.

In light of these recent events, the words of Isaiah 61:3 are all the more inestimable. God is in control, and He will produce beauty from whatever ashes befall us. May we never forget the frailty of tomorrow as we capture, collect, and celebrate the grandeur of today’s blessings.

Reference: Murray, Andrew. “Abide in Christ.” Retrieved from

A matter of trust

A matter of trust

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6: 26-27, 34)

I’ve always loved wildlife. With the exception of creepy crawlies and reptiles that slither, it’s safe to say that I’m enamored by all of God’s creatures. After rescuing a green anole from underneath a senior manager’s credenza at work – picture a small lizard that looks like the Geico gecko – I’ve gotten a reputation as the person to call for help with any unwanted office critters. 

This week, our security guard contacted me when a bird flew into the lobby window. She and a member of our cleaning staff were staring at the bird on the ground when I arrived. 

“I think his leg is broken,” our guard said. “It doesn’t look right. He hit the glass with a thud and fell down.” 

“I hope he’s alright,” I said, as I observed the poor creature lying on the sidewalk next to the window. The bird’s leg appeared to be at an odd angle, but I silently prayed that he wasn’t seriously injured. 

“He was likely just stunned by the impact,” I said. “He’s alert and sitting up, which is a good sign. He’s beautiful!” 

The yellow coloring on the bird’s breast was stunning, but his olive back feathers looked different than any bird I had ever seen before. I love birdwatching but am far from a novice at identification. Further investigation later revealed that he was a young Kentucky warbler. 

The spot where the bird sat was a high-traffic area, so I wanted to move him and see if he could recover away from the hustle and bustle of our building’s main entrance.

Ever so slowly, I walked over to the warbler and squatted down to take a better look at him. Without expecting much, I placed my hand in front of his chest. 

Without a moment’s hesitation, the bird hopped right onto my fingers, which completely surprised me. I didn’t want to frighten my new feathered friend, so I let him sit there for a minute while snapping a few photos to capture the encounter. 

“Wow,” said our cleaning lady.

“Wow, is right,” I repeated. “He pulled his leg up for support when moving to my hand. I think he’s okay.”  

Standing up, I turned to walk to the closest bushes. I intended to sit the bird on the ground below the shrubs and check on him later.

As I approached the greenery, the warbler showed different intentions as he flew off my hand and straight into the inner boughs of the plants. 

“He flew in!” I exclaimed, happy to see him flying. 

Peering inside, I could see the tiny bird sitting on a branch, clearly supported by both legs. “He’s okay!” I reported as I stepped back inside my workplace. 

“You did your good deed for the day,” pronounced a co-worker, who had chanced to witness the whole event.

“I’m just happy he’s okay,” I responded. 

What a fantastic experience, I thought. Such a blessing! 

Upon returning to my desk, it dawned on me what an education I’d received through this unexpected encounter with a tiny member of Christ’s kingdom. Wanting to pass along the blessing, I sent my bird photos to a friend of mine, who had recently shared her prayer requests with me. 

“God just provided me with a tangible lesson in trust,” I wrote, as I explained the morning’s events. 

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your life? Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” (Matthew 6: 26-27, 34)

According to an April 2020 Gallup poll, 60 percent of Americans feel stress and anxiety every day – a 14 percent increase from summer 2019 stress levels and a 21 percent increase in worries. (1) 

How often do we take our eyes off our Savior and surrender our thoughts to our concerns? I admit to doing so much too frequently. As Oswald Chambers said, “All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.” Is it any wonder we are so driven by our anxieties?

Such trepidation could be avoided by giving our cares to our Creator each day. As Christ said, we can’t change the future by worrying about it. God knows what tomorrow will bring, and that thought should give us peace and confidence in His care. 

The next time I feel anxious about something, I will remember the little warbler who placed his trust in me as he hopped into my outstretched hand. If a bird could so easily trust a stranger, how much more should I relinquish my burdens to my heavenly Father who loves me? I only need to step into the hands of the Almighty to do so.  


  1. Searing, L. (2020, April 30). 60 percent of U.S. adults are feeling daily stress and worry, new Gallup poll shows.