About Me
Hi! I’m Sara! I am a child of God – a daughter of the King.
I am an encourager, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I have a strong and determined spirit. I am a fighter, the champion of wrongs, and an eternal optimist. While I work as an executive assistant and am the survivor of two abusive marriages, none of these descriptors define me.
The light inside me comes from God, and I am His servant. That’s who I am. It is my greatest longing to share that light with you.
Life may not always be easy, but our burdens can be made lighter when we share them with our friends. I hope you’ll soon come to think of me as the same.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10, NLT)
Rest assured. I’m no Pollyanna. If you’re looking for a website to tell you to always “be glad,” this isn’t it.
Instead, I promise to be real, to help you get through the best and worst of times, and to share assorted insights and encouragements along the way.
Let’s travel life, together – shall we? No matter what we face, keeping God’s perspective at the forefront of our minds will help us all stay on the Sunny Side of the Path!