Leading and serving like Jesus

Leading and serving like Jesus

“Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Serving others is the most extraordinary form of compassion Christians can demonstrate to a hurting world. Offering one’s time, a listening ear, and a hand of help can do more to exemplify the love of Christ than anything else one could ever do or say. 

A month ago, I helped one of my employer’s community advisory board members achieve the confidence he needed to connect to a videoconferencing platform he’d never used before. It was his first time using this particular application, and he was nervous. After guiding him through the connection process, I conducted a practice session with him and talked him through his challenges until he felt good about the service. 

A week later, I called the gentleman, Mr. N., back – just before the virtual board meeting was to take place. I wanted to make sure he was confident in his virtual connection before the actual session occurred. 

After answering the phone, Mr. N. told me he had puzzled over my kindness the week prior. “You took time out of your busy schedule to help me, even though you are new to your job,“ he said. “What made you do so?”

“I’m a servant leader,” I replied. “I believe in leading with my faith. It forms the basis for everything I do.”

After thanking me, Mr. N told me that he was good friends with the original author of the authoritative book on servant leadership, Ken Blanchard. “If you haven’t already read his book, I’ll send it to you.” 

After thanking my benefactor for his kindness, I provided my work address and told him I would cherish such a gift. 

Flash forward to a few weeks later. I was working remotely, preparing for an important day with virtual client visits and the head of our organization, when my cell phone rang. It was my current boss calling to inform me that he was stepping down from the company.

The news came as a dramatic blow. I had resigned from my former employer in large part due to the kindness of this man and my belief in the security of this company. Only six weeks into my new role, I wondered if I would still have a job the next day. The fact was, I had been hired to assist a man who was no longer going to work for the company. Only God knew what was in store for my future. 

And so I began praying. I needed the help of my Creator, yet again. “God loves to keep me humble and reliant on Him,” I told my brother. 

Arriving at work the following day, I found a padded envelope on my desk with a San Diego return address. Being new to the company, I couldn’t imagine who could be sending me something from California. 

Upon opening the envelope, I could only smile when I found not one but two Ken Blanchard books – a gift orchestrated by Mr. N. and sent to me, right when I needed it, from the author himself. The book on top was “Lead Like Jesus” – a message straight from God, I thought. Instead of stressing over my future, I vowed, right then and there, to continue to serve as Christ would – with love – whenever and wherever He needs me to. 

Ken defines this thought process with the following statement: “Leading like Jesus is love-based leadership. In fact, God intends the primary outcome of our leadership and influence to be showing people Jesus’ love. Leading like Jesus is essentially a matter of the heart. It is also the highest thought of the head, it is the principal work of the hands, and it is both expressed through and replenished by the habits.”

In addition to a hand-written note by the author, Mr. Blanchard inscribed his book with the following notation: “Keep serving! Leadership is not about you but the people you are serving.”

Well said, Mr. Blanchard! And so I will!

God’s promises are true, and His messages are always right on time. Jesus came not to be served but to serve. No matter what my day job may be, I will keep writing, encouraging, and leading like Jesus. How could I ever do otherwise? 

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