David and Sara-isms – The David and Sara Saga, Part 3

David and Sara-isms – The David and Sara Saga, Part 3

One of the things I appreciate most about my relationship with David is that we both speak the same love language. Dr. Gary Chapman may have written books on the subject, but David and I will never need to read them. The ten-mile-long trail of text messages and emails we sent to one another long before we declared our love was constantly filled with words of affirmation – one of Dr. Chapman’s five love languages – as are all our daily conversations. David and I provide positivity and encouragement to one another as easily as we breathe air.

David and I rejoiced at our first Easter Sunday together.

As silly as it may sound, even beyond our constant encouragements, as mutual writers, we developed our own phrases and way of speaking soon after we declared our love. We derived so much pleasure from our sayings that David suggested we write a few to share with our wedding guests.

And so, the famous “David and Sara-isms” document was born.

At every banquet table, the following explanations were shared:

David and Sara-isms

Do you speak David and Sara’s Love Language? Let’s find out! Here’s a small sampling of what you might hear them saying to each other: 

  • “Is this for real?” – Translation? This phrase is used constantly when David and Sara think about everything God has done to bring them together. 
  • “A thousand million, billion, KA-zillion times ‘YES!’” – Translation? This is how Sara answered David when he proposed to her. Use this phrase when you want people to understand that you really mean what you’re saying. We’re not sure these are real numbers, but you can pretend they are and impress whoever you’re talking to. 
  • “It’s HUGGLE time!” – Translation? David uses this phrase when he wants to hug and snuggle with Sara. Huggling is definitely a happy pastime, so give it a try!  
  • “DOUBLE awesome!” – Translation? When David first told Sara that she’s awesome, she replied that he’s awesome, too. David asked Sara, “If you’re awesome and I’m awesome, what are we together?” Sara replied, “We are DOUBLE awesome!” The phrase stuck! You can also use it to explain that something is beyond amazing. It’s “DOUBLE awesome!”
  • “Awesome times INFINITY!” – Translation? When something is beyond awesome, it’s “Awesome times INFINITY,” and nothing can top that!
  • “Together forever, wherever!” Translation? David and Sara are inseparable. Make sure you use this phrase carefully, as it indicates a perpetual state of togetherness. 
  • “I love you! I love you! I love you!” – Translation? This expression describes a triune bond of love that starts with Christ at the center. David and Sara seldom issue a single “I love you.” It’s more commonly heard in a chorus of three declarations of love. “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

As we cleaned up the reception hall after our wedding, I was surprised to see that none of the David and Sara-ism documents we created were left behind. We later learned that all were taken by our wedding guests as keepsakes of our event. In fact, one of David’s brothers told us that he keeps the document on top of his bureau, where he can read and enjoy it daily. Apparently, we’re not the only ones who value our choice to use words of positivity and love to communicate.

What a joy to have someone to attend special events with! David and I recently shared a light lunch at a friend’s garden party.

Why is affirmation so rare, I wonder? I often hear from my work teammates that my uplifting words are different from what they hear from others. “Everything is always a steady push to get things done,” one of my colleagues commented. “But you always take the time to be uplifting and encouraging. I greatly enjoy interacting with you.” 

Another person once told me he couldn’t understand how I could always be so happy. As I’ve told countless others since, “It’s not me. It’s God you see in me.” 

How can we make a difference if we, as Christians, are no different than the world around us? If we constantly moan, whine, and complain, what incentive is there for anyone to want what we have? We’ve been given the gift of eternal life and love from our Heavenly Father. How can we not share His love gift with others? By demonstrating Christ’s love to the world, we are being His hands and feet through everything we touch, wherever we go, with whoever we encounter.

Christians should always be affirming – loving one another wholeheartedly. It’s not only an excellent way to keep our spouses happy, but it also makes the world a more beautiful and joyful place for everyone to exist in. 

Every moment David and I share is a huge blessing.

Why not adopt David’s and my love language and incorporate encouragement into your daily existence? Don’t just tell someone they did a good job. Uplift those around you by letting them know they are double awesome, or even awesome times infinity, if you really want to knock their socks off. 

And when you want to uplift your spouse or friends, don’t hesitate to triple your affection for even greater significance. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear the trilogy “I love you! I love you! I love you!”?

With just a little practice, you, too, can add David and Sara-speak into your everyday conversations. Just add love to everything you do, and you’ll always be appreciated.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

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