Lord of the flies
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139: 23-24)
I despise flies. They are filthy, disgusting, nuisance pests that flit from the worst substances on earth to our homes, food, and bodies – carrying disease and bacteria wherever their vile wings may take them.
According to a 2017 study conducted by Penn State’s Eberly College of Science, there is ample evidence to support the theory that flies are nothing more than “germs with legs.” As the study shows, flies have the potential to carry “hundreds of different species of bacteria, many of which are harmful to humans.”
It’s those legs and wings, says Stephan Schuster, former professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State, that have the potential to carry the most germs.
“The legs and wings show the highest microbial diversity in the fly body, suggesting that bacteria use the flies as airborne shuttles,” said Schuster. “It may be that bacteria survive their journey, growing and spreading on a new surface. In fact, the study shows that each step of hundreds that a fly has taken leaves behind a microbial colony track, if the new surface supports bacterial growth.”

Knowing this, I feel completely validated in my compulsion to hunt down any flies that dare to enter my space. I possess no qualms in obliterating this revolting species from the face of the earth. With a swatter in hand, I will relentlessly pursue the little buggers until they are smashed to smithereens.
Imagine my disgust this past week when a surge of flies somehow invaded my home. An occasional flying pest is a nuisance, but 12 flies were enough for me to feel inordinately germy. By the end of the day, I had killed 28. By day two, 49 were dead at my hands. And by day three, I had swatted a total of 79 flies – occasionally killing more than one at a time.
While I was never able to locate the source of the invasion, it occurred to me how easily the devil can wage war on our minds, infecting our thoughts with the sole purpose of wreaking havoc on our spiritual fortitude. It doesn’t take much for whispered thoughts of doubt and despair to lay their own microbial colony track and debilitate even the strongest Christians among us.
So it was with me as I nearly gave in to insecurity and unease the day before my third interview for a job I’ve been praying for. I could feel the doubts rising in my head as I began prepping for the discussion.
You’re never going to get this job, I thought. You’ve been trying for months, and nothing has happened. Why can’t you just be content where you are? Maybe you should give up.
Before I knew what was happening, my trepidation soon gave way to despair, and dejection threatened to consume me.
And that’s when I thought of the flies. One fly begets another just as one flittering thought of unease can soon grow into an invasion of anxiety and self-doubt. The devil loves to fill my mind with filthy, vile, destructive pathogens that weaken, sicken, and debilitate me. Such thoughts keep me occupied with my concerns rather than God’s victory – and Satan loves that. Whenever he can take my mind off the omnipotent power of Christ, he wins. I won’t let him do so.
I serve the God of the universe. Nothing is impossible with Him! It’s up to me to swat thoughts of timidity with as much vigor and vengeance as I go after the pestilence-carrying vermin that invade my homes – even more so!
And so, I began a crusade to eviscerate doubt from my mind – replacing it with the omnipotence of my Creator instead. I purposely started listening to affirming Christian music and concentrated on God’s promises for strength and victory.
- “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:10)
- “Be strong and of good courage…for the Lord God – my God – will be with you.” (1 Chronicles 28:20)
- “He who overcomes shall inherit all things.” (Revelation 21:7)
- “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4)

As I contemplated these promises, a storm blew up, seemingly out of nowhere. The skies became dark, trees blew, and branches snapped as a torrent of rain fell. I sat on my screen porch, watching this sudden demonstration of power in awe and reverence.
Grant me Your peace, Father God, and crush any negative thoughts in my head, I prayed. You are in control, and I believe in You.
And just like that, my spirits lifted. I knew that whatever happened to me was under God’s control, and such thoughts removed all fear and uncertainty from my mind. My heavenly Father controls the wind and rain as much as He controls what happens in my life. My Creator is Lord of the flies, and He is Lord over me.