Fulfillment through Christ alone

Fulfillment through Christ alone

O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (Psalm 90:14)

The world is filled with people seeking something that they will never find. We pursue wealth, love, respect, possessions, and power, but how often do we seek God? Not often enough; yet, only our Creator can fill the empty places inside us. Satisfaction through Christ should be an everyday, constant pursuit for all of us. Total fulfillment of our souls can only come from Him. 

I’ve been searching for peace in my workplace for over a year now. I lived with fear and massive job stress for the better part of 2020. I searched for a new job for six months and obtained a new position only to lose my hard-fought-for security after only six weeks on the job when my role was abolished. I learned the hard way that there is no security outside of Christ. Nothing in this world can offer the stability that He can. 

In the days that followed, I’ve questioned everything that touches me – where my security is found, what I’m doing with my life, and how I want to spend my days. Most of the time, I feel like I am floundering. I desperately need to anchor my energy, emotions, and existence in God.  

My mother and brother came to visit me recently, and we spent time at the beach together. Amid the unrest of my current existence, feeling the sand beneath my feet, getting lost in the magnificent sunsets, and jumping over the waves all served to provide me with the much-needed respite I needed for my restless soul. 

God is my refuge and strength – wherever I am – but there is something infinitely gratifying about being near the ocean. I feel God’s presence in the connectedness of the sand, surf, and sky like few other places on earth. 

It was while bobbing over the waves, watching each new crest coming towards me, and then falling into the ensuing seafoam that I felt the contentment of God’s presence. While floating in the surf, I sang songs of worship as I marveled at the magnificence of His creation. While I was hardly alone, it was in those moments that I felt like it was just me and God – and that was enough. Oh, to bottle that happiness and joy and keep it forever contained inside me. 

As I move forward into an uncertain future, I will continue to strive to love and serve Him – right where I am. Everything I’ve needed, God has always provided to me. I’ve always found my truest satisfaction in Christ alone. 

Too often, we get so caught up in the weight of the world that we forget our Creator only wants us to worship Him. God asks us to serve Him, wherever we are, in whatever we are doing. No matter how anxious we may be about the future or how unsettled we are in our lives, we must never forget to stop, appreciate where we are, and wait patiently for Him to show us what we should do next – for Him. Our main goal should always be to love, serve, and wait patiently for our heavenly Father’s guidance. 

Guide me every day, Lord. I wait patiently for you to reveal your plan and purpose for my life. I love You greatly and long to serve You. Show me how to rest in your presence, pursue your purpose, and worship you with my entire being.

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