Trusting God’s Plans
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3)

Over the past week, a dear friend and I both faced big decisions regarding our futures. Whereas she had to determine whether to return to her former workplace or choose another, I needed to decide if I should remain where I am or move on. The choices we reached would alter our lives in dramatic ways and were not easy determinations.
“Pray about it,” I advised her. “And I will join you by praying that God will give you the wisdom you need to make the right decision.”
Even as I prayed for her, I did the same for myself – asking God to guide my steps and show me what to do, as well.
The paths that led each of us to these turning points were craggy and challenging, filled with deep despair and unprecedented uncertainty. In my friend’s case, she had been released from her job ten months ago, during a workforce reduction. After nearly a year without the validation of employment, her self-esteem and security were understandably shaken.
When her prior position became available, she reapplied for the role. Ironically, she had recently interviewed for a similar position, and both managers wanted to hire her. In the expanse of a heartbeat, she went from not having a job to having to decide which job she should take.
“When God rains down blessings,” I told her, “He raises you up on the flood-waters. Let all of this serve as a reminder of how valuable you are and that God is in control!”
For myself, my prayer has always been for God to make His will abundantly clear to me. While following the path I believed He was leading me upon, another option availed itself that made me question if I was doing the right thing.
I need your wisdom, Lord, I prayed. I need to know that this is what I should do. Grant me your peace as I trust in You.
After uttering that prayer, I made my mind up to move forward in my decision and not question it. God had provided reassurance to me at each phase in my journey. I felt His presence beside me and knew that He heard my petitions. I believed the devil was taking my eyes off of Christ’s victory in keeping me double-minded and doubtful.
Determined not to let that happen, I surrendered to God’s direction and thanked Him for guiding me.
In acknowledging God’s provision and grace, my spirit was elevated to a position of peace that I had not felt in months. Likewise too, I witnessed my friend’s joy return once she reached her decision, with God’s help. Whereas before we were doubtful, our faith in Christ gave us confidence.
And why not? Peace can only come with full, wholehearted surrender. Each of us has the power to trust in God, yet too often, we rely on our own strength. How many sleepless nights must we endure before we believe in and obey Him fully?
Charles Stanley captured this same sentiment when he preached the following about trust: “In God’s almighty, omnipotent hands, He has reached out to you and me and He has given to us every single promise in this Book, and He says they are magnificent promises. That is, every single promise is a mega-dose of God’s grace. Any of you deserve any of it? Not a one. Has anyone ever seen a promise of God that came up short? No. Have any of us ever seen a situation or a problem, heartache, or burden where God was not more than sufficient? No. Has God’s remedy ever come up short? Never.”
Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that our Creator knows our future and has a purpose for each of us. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
My faith rests in Christ. When the world says I should doubt, God says to trust. When life beats me down, God will always lift me up.
I won’t feel uncertainty if I trust my Creator. God’s grace and provision will always be sufficient for me, and I will forever trust His plans for my life.