Seeking God’s wisdom in the journey
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night, my heart instructs me. (Psalm 16:7)

I’m a careful decision-maker – especially when it comes to personal matters. I weigh the pros and cons of major decisions long before I have to make them – often seeking others’ advice and praying heartily for wisdom. Ultimately, it is God’s guidance I pursue the most. I’ve made too many bad decisions on my own not to have learned to pray for divine discernment.
James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
And so I pray. Give me your wisdom, Lord Jesus. Show me what I should do.
Over the last six months, my soul has been troubled. As a joyful person, feeling uncertainty in the future has plagued my confidence and disturbed my happiness.
2020 was a challenging year. The economic uncertainty of COVID caused many businesses to layoff workers or close their doors for good. I know full well how blessed I am to still have a job but is it best to have faith that my position remains secure or pursue alternate options in anticipation of another downturn?
And so the prayers began.
I need your wisdom, Lord, I prayed. Show me what I should do. Lead me where You want me to go.
Any number of scenarios played out in my mind while I contemplated my next steps. I could stay, stagnate, and stress, or I could pursue my Creator’s purpose for my life. I chose the latter.
“Give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” (Romans 6:13)
Serving Christ with my entire existence drives me every day. I wake and listen to sermons while readying for work. I listen to Christian music while driving to uplift my spirit and stay positive in the workplace. I read my Bible over my lunchbreak to grow in God’s wisdom. It is my perpetual goal to be His light and serve Christ by serving others.
And yet, the disquiet continued. Am I where I’m supposed to be? I wondered. I felt so good about this position for so long, but now, there is unrest. Is God prompting me to move on? I wasn’t sure. And so, the prayers continued.
“Time and season,” advised one of my dear sisters-in-Christ. “God put you here during the time and season in which He needed you to be here. He will show you what to do next.”
My greatest desire is to serve and uplift others. I know that. One of the biggest reasons I started this blog is to encourage fellow sojourners by sharing my trials and travels with them.
As David Jeremiah said, “If you don’t discover your purpose and start doing what God called you to do, you’ll miss out – but that’s not all. A lot of other people will miss out because they’re going to miss the blessing of your giftedness. You’ll be depriving them of what God wants to do for them through you. Everybody God intended to be blessed by your life will miss that blessing because you aren’t doing what God created you to do.”
And so my pilgrimage continues. I pray for God’s guidance and seek His wisdom in my journey. I ask Him to guide my steps in the days ahead and show me, with absolute clarity, where I should go. I pursue His purpose for my existence and will trust His direction.
My new prayer is actually a promise: “The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” (Psalm 138:8)
I won’t take a step without His guidance. May it be the same for you, beloved.
2 Replies to “Seeking God’s wisdom in the journey”
Thank you my dear sister Sara! I love your blog! It touches my heart and soul and inspires me. I love the message you send and also the Inspirational song at the end. It is powerful, beautiful and brings me close to God. I want to read it to my children as well. Thank you 🙏
Thank you, dear Diana! I appreciate your encouragement, which means so much to me. Never forget how much God loves you. I will pray that He will lead you to the next step in your journey, as well!