Be His hands and feet
She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. (Proverbs 31:20)
This past week, I was blessed to assist at the annual Thanksgiving meal at the Union Mission in Savannah. While some may say that volunteering is a time to give back to the community, I prefer to think of it as my way of being the hands and feet of Christ. I don’t volunteer just to help the needy. I give of myself to shine His light, wherever it’s needed.
This year, due to COVID, the event was held outdoors, socially distanced, with everyone wearing face masks. I worked at the greeting tent, where I squirted sanitizer into the hands of those who were entering the activity. While handing out plastic bags for the clothing give-away, I had a unique opportunity to look into the eyes of everyone who joined us.

“Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you,” I told each participant who passed me. While everyone returned my greeting, some did so in a way that made my heart sing.
“He already has,” one man enthusiastically responded.
“I’m blessed every day,” affirmed another.
I could only thank them for their profound testimonies, despite their circumstances.

Behind our canopied welcome area, a mother and her daughter stood next to a pick-up truck filled with bagged items they were giving away themselves. When the opportunity allowed, I wandered over to ask these two young ladies questions and learn about what they were doing.
Six-year-old Bethany was only five when she encountered her first homeless person, standing on a street corner, holding a sign. According to her mother, Colleen, Bethany cried and begged to go home to get her piggy bank so she could give all her savings to this individual.
“We had to do something,” Colleen explained.
What they did was begin a project they call Bethany’s Happy Bags for the Homeless. Each bag contains essential items that will help those who are living on the street. Socks, protein bars, a drink, deodorant, body wipes, bug spray, tuna or chicken salad, and sunblock fill each bag. Along with the essentials, hand-written notes are added to remind recipients that someone cares about them.

Over the past year, this simple act of kindness has grown from a little girl’s pursuit to help a single person to a Facebook page where some of the posts have 60,000 likes. Colleen’s mother has attached an Amazon wish list for readers to send supplies directly to their home to help in assembling more bags. Finished creations are distributed to the Union Mission and through the Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless and the city police department.

Local news outlets have picked up the story along with ABC’s Good Morning America. To date, after the Thanksgiving event, Bethany’s Happy Bags have been distributed to over 750 recipients over the past year. Readers from across the country have been touched by this little girl’s efforts – inspiring us all to do more to make a difference in our communities.
But how can we do so? Perhaps the most important calling we have as Christians is to shine God’s light into a dark world. If a six-year-old can fulfill her mission to help the homeless, how much more so should we, as Christians, fulfill our God-given purpose in sharing His love with a world in need of a Savior? What gift could provide a greater benefit than eternal life?
When was the last time we made a real effort to show love to the people we work with or even those we pass on the street? Are we kind? Do we thank the store clerks, trash collectors, postal workers, cleaning staff, and security guards we see? Do we rush past the needy, pretending that we don’t see them, or do we offer a smile and a friendly greeting? None of us should ever underestimate the power of God’s love, as demonstrated by our own behavior.
A simple act of kindness can change someone’s day. Even better, prayer and compassion can change someone’s eternal destiny. Let’s love one another in demonstration of the unequivocal grace provided by our heavenly Savior. Jesus Christ gave up His life to save our souls. The very least we can do is share His sacrificial love with others.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him might never perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
We are God’s hands and feet. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
We are Christ’s representatives on earth. Shine brightly. Open your hearts and hands to do the Father’s work and share His love with everyone you meet. It’s my mission to do so. Will you join me in doing the same?