We win
Today is my birthday. While I strive to make such occasions momentous to others, I prefer to keep the day low-key, myself. I tend to do a lot of self-evaluation on this day – remembering where I’ve been in years past, reflecting on those who have come and gone in my life, and contemplating what I’d like to do with the years that remain in my story.
I’ve been doing a lot of the latter, recently – considering whether anything I’ve done has really mattered in Christ’s kingdom. I start each day, asking God to use me and praying that He will show me His will for my life. Some days, when I’ve encountered someone who needed to hear God’s encouragement, I feel that I have done His bidding. Other days, the things I do don’t seem to amount to the proverbial hill of beans.
For example, my average work-day doesn’t do much to alter the course of anyone’s existence. I endeavor to serve God, rather than man, by staying positive, encouraging, and upbeat with everyone I encounter. Does it matter? I hope that it does, but only God knows.
Other days, I step outside my regular duties to shine a light where I know it is needed – and I reap immediate results. I had such an occasion a little over a week ago after talking with a co-worker. I commented about seeing her work late every evening and asked her if she was taking a vacation soon. She replied that she would – at the end of the year. When I detailed some of my experiences in the mountains on my own vacation, her eyes grew wide as she told me how badly she needed such a trip, herself.

When I returned to my desk, I decided to send my team-mate some of my favorite vacation photos taken around Lily Lake, near Estes Park, CO, after an early autumn snowstorm. I had a strong feeling that she needed to see evidence of God’s presence in the world.
“Let these pictures from my recent trip serve as a reminder of our Creator’s love for you,” I wrote. “This was my ‘Be still and know that I am God,’ trip. I pray that you can feel His peace through these photos as I did when I took them.”

I continued by thanking her for all that she does for everyone and stating that our company was “indeed fortunate to have [her] there.”
“Never forget your value – and take care of yourself. There is only one you, and you are irreplaceable,” I ended.

This is such a needed message, I thought. Who else can I send it to? After redirecting it to four other team members, the responses started coming in.
“You brought tears to my eyes,” one individual wrote. “Thank you for being a light in a dark world,” responded another. “You’ll never know how much this meant to me.”
“If I captured even a small portion of God’s love for you in these photos and sentiments, that’s all I could ever hope for,” I replied, over and over again. “My job is much bigger than the work I do sitting in my chair.”
The truth is, we all feel defeated, at times, and need a little encouragement. Life has a way of stealing joy from our hearts and making us feel hopeless. We need to remind one another of how much God loves us and how important we are to Him. His hope should shine through each of us as we share His love with everyone we know, in everything we do.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)
I don’t know what will transpire in my life over the course of the next year. I don’t know where He will lead me or what He will have me do. As I wait for His guidance, I will continue to pray that He will lead me to say what He wants me to say to those who need to hear His words at the time He appoints me to speak.
I may not always know where I am going or what difficulties lie ahead. One thing I do know is that God loves me – and that in the end, we, who are called for His purpose – will win.