Jesus has it under control
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalm 24:1)
Certain events shape our lives by affecting the way we perceive the universe and our existence in it. In my lifetime, I will always remember the day that Ronald Reagan was shot, watching the Twin Towers fall on 9-11, and how St. Patrick’s Day 2020 marked the beginning of my work from home experience during the coronavirus pandemic.
Across the globe, beaches, businesses, and even churches remain closed. U.S. unemployment figures rose to a record high of 3.3 million claims in the past week, exceeding previous totals of 695,000 applications in 1982. (1)
Three days ago, America claimed the dubious distinction of surpassing the rest of the world in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases – at 81,321, with over 1,000 deaths. (2) As of today, that number jumped to 121,000, with over 2,000 deaths. (3)
Perhaps more disconcerting was a recent afternoon news story quoting Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the U.S. According to Fauci, America could see “millions of cases,” with worst-case scenario estimates of 200,000 deaths. (4) Shocking as that sounds, it’s important to note that CNN later clarified by stating, “The headline and this story were later updated to convey better that Dr. Anthony Fauci was offering a possible estimate based on his interpretation of the coronavirus models.” (5)
While such information is daunting, we must remember that over 330 million people live in our country. (6) Also, March 18th statistics published by the World Health Organization, have shown that more than 85,000 persons have already fully recovered from this disease. (7)
As frightening as the headlines are, we can never forget that God is in control.

While working from my screen porch with my kitty co-workers and a view of my glorious back yard, I can easily disconnect from such headlines. Spring is in full bloom in coastal Georgia, with all the spectacular splendor that accompanies it.
I started cutting grass in mid-February and have been refreshing my flower and vegetable gardens since the beginning of March. The days are warm and sunny, with flaming cardinals, black-capped chickadees, and a scarlet-topped woodpecker keeping me company, each day. While social distancing may force separation from my fellow office workers, I’m never alone. God is always with me. I feel His presence every moment of every day.
Before I began working remotely, my workday started with a 5:20 am wake-up alarm, 6:35 start to my commute, and an average return to home at 6:00 pm. I used to walk during my lunch break but haven’t done so in almost two years. Stress increased my blood pressure, and little blue pills kept my stomach from churning itself raw.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve instead seen the sun shining on my yard, felt the breezes gently caressing my bare feet, and finally learned all about the secret life of my pets – who, I can now report, mostly sleep and watch birds all day long. The physiological effects of remote work have done my body and spirit good. My blood pressure is down, my stomach is happy, and I feel protected beyond belief not to be touched by virus-related sickness, concerns, or fear.
God has given me great peace and shelter through this panic-strewn pandemic. Such a blessing isn’t lost on me. Simply stated, social or physical distancing does work – in more ways than the apparent avoidance of the disease.
I am incredibly fortunate. I have a job when others don’t. I am perfectly healthy while others are in the hospital. I have money in the bank, whereas many are standing in an unemployment line, worrying about their next paycheck. I have a thousand blessings and appreciate all of them. My heart aches for others who are not as fortunate.
A week ago, my friend Patty and I dined out at one of the last remaining restaurants to have an open dining room in Savannah. While I was a bit nervous to eat in a public place during these precarious times, I fully understood the precautions restaurants were taking to stay open, and was happy to support the service industry in their desperate need for paying customers.
Nevertheless, it felt surreal to eat in a near-empty facility. Unlike previous experiences, I found myself pondering random things such as the bare hands of our waitress, the proximity of other patrons, the restroom faucet I had to touch, and the rigor of my hand-washing routine.

While I always enjoy the companionship of my friend, there’s no doubt that COVID-19 has changed the way I perceive formerly normal activities such as dining out with loved ones. Different as it was, we appreciated our meal together and felt privileged for the shared experience.
Despite the great food and company, what I will remember most about the occasion was the shift manager’s words as he walked around the dining room.
“Jesus has it under control,” I heard him remark to individuals seated near us.
“Amen,” I said as I turned around to see him. “Thank you for saying that.”
“It’s the truth,” he responded as he walked over to our table. “Everyone is worried, but I’m a big believer. He has it under control anyway. I’ve seen it. I know it’s true.”

I thanked him again for his bold message while we gathered up our leftovers for the journey home. Never before, I thought, has a BBQ plate of pork ever tasted as good as this one, served with such a savory side order of faith and trust.
There’s no doubt this pandemic is unprecedented. Never before in my lifetime has our world seen such a global pestilence as COVID-19. For those whose jobs are lost, loved ones hospitalized, and finances ruined, it may be hard to imagine what tomorrow will bring.
Nevertheless, we must refuse to submit to the panic, fear, and trepidation we see around us. No matter what happens, Jesus has it under control. We live in His world, and nothing catches Him by surprise. God created the universe, and everything in it is under His care and governance.
As the headlines grow more somber and the virus comes closer to each of us, may we always remember that we are never outside of Christ’s care and compassion. Jesus has it all under control.
- Rushe, D. & Holpuch, A. (2020, March 26). Record 3.2m Americans file for unemployment as the US tries to contain Covid-19. The Guardian. Retrieved from
- McNeil, D.G.Jr. (2020, March 26). The U.S. now leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases. The New York Times. Retrieved from
- Cole, D. (2020, March 29). US could see millions of coronavirus cases and 100,000 or more deaths, Fauci says. CNN. Retrieved from
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Guzman, J. (2020, March 18). More than 82,000 people have recovered from coronavirus. The Hill. Retrieved from