An attitude of gratitude
Let your roots grow down into Him, and let our lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:7)

I’m the most thankful person you will ever meet. Appreciation is ingrained in my soul. I take nothing for granted and appreciate life, all the way down to the wrapping paper. I don’t just value the gifts God gives me; I treasure the packaging.
I thank God every day for my home, my health, my job, and all the people that touch my life. I pray for my friends and family as I recount my daily blessings. I pray for each of my former team members laid off in October before I eat dinner at night – asking God to help them find jobs and move forward. Prayer keeps me humble and grateful for everything I have.
I demonstrate that gratitude to co-workers who ask me how I’m doing each day. Instead of my former, “I’m doing great,” I now say, “I’m greatly blessed – every single day.” It takes most people by surprise the first time they hear me say it as they don’t know how to respond. It’s a simple way to put a different perspective on a standard greeting and provides me with the means of sharing my grateful spirit with those I work with. Above all, it makes people think about how blessed we all are.
Some of my associates are more than eager to share what’s wrong with their lives, but not me.
I adopted an attitude of gratitude, years ago, that governs my entire existence – how I talk, act, and perceive my life. It used to be easy for me to see what was wrong, to grumble about what could be better, and to lament the things that hurt or upset me.
Now, I focus my attention on my blessings as I show appreciation to God and others for the great things that comprise my world.
For example, I may experience a long, stressful day at work – but I have a great job with a boss who values me.
I have had tinnitus for over a month now, but I can hear correctly and don’t have any pain in my ears.
I am single, but I am happy and fulfilled in my singleness. If God chooses to change this aspect of my life, I fully trust that He will do so, in His time.
I have delicious food to eat, a cozy bed to sleep in, a plethora of pretty clothes in my closet, and a fun car to drive. How blessed am I? How could I not share my gratitude with others in everything I say and do?
Sure, there are things I could complain about. But why should I? What good would it do? Complaining would only give me a sour attitude that could emanate from me to others in my world. I never want that to happen.
Instead, I choose to live life with an attitude of gratitude – seeking out God’s blessings and celebrating them, every day. Being grateful makes me joyful, and my joyfulness, in turn, blesses others. Happiness is contagious. If my grateful spirit can make even one person content each day, then I’ve accomplished my mission.
It’s simple to demonstrate gratitude. Look past what’s wrong in the world. Search for what’s significant and blessed in your life. Celebrate little victories. Cherish the beauty in the world around you. Smile more. Complain less. Speak kindness. Show compassion. Share words of praise. Capture a spirit of contentment.
You won’t just change your perspective. Adopting an attitude of gratitude will change the lives of everyone around you. Appreciation breeds joy, and joy is contagious. You won’t be able to keep it to yourself.
Once you’ve embraced this perspective, spread it around to everyone and everything you touch. You might just make the world a little brighter if you do!