No rear-view mirrors
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again.” (Jeremiah 31: 3-4)
We all have the opportunity to learn and grow through our experiences. Some of us choose to defy that concept – opting to stay wounded, giving up hope for anything more than heartache.
Others, like myself, choose to allow pain to mold us into stronger, more resilient beings. Nothing is ever wasted with God.
That’s not to say that growth is painless.
The truth is, I’ve not heard a lot of affirming words from people in my life. Past relationships made me feel worthless and rejected rather than loved and accepted. Such history makes it difficult for me to receive compliments to this day. Such frivolities seem like empty words to me, with no substance or veracity.
Nevertheless, God continually reminds me that I am worth more. I look back only to grow, not to rehearse or empower past heartaches.
God makes me formidable; He gives me hope for tomorrow and strength for today. His love restored my soul and “built [me] up again.” I no longer listen to the lies of the devil that told me I didn’t deserve anything more than the destructive relationships I had. I know such assertions are wholly false.
God completed me as He whispered the promise that He will always love me for who I am – flaws and all.
And so I remind you, too, beloved, not to look back. We can’t move forward when we’re always looking in the rear-view mirror.
God will build you up, again, if you’ll only open your heart and soul to HIm. He is, after all, the only one who can ever truly restore you completely.