Where is God?

Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below. There is no other. (Deuteronomy 4:39)
There are those that believe in God when times are good, but doubt His existence, when the opposite prevails. They feel alone, forsaken, and rejected by God when life is hard. They think He has abandoned them when pain persists.
Why is it that we’ve adopted the image of God as a kind-hearted grandfather, who only wants to bestow gifts and goodness upon us? Where do such beliefs come from? They’re nowhere in the Bible.
Quite the opposite. Christ told His disciples to “take up their cross and follow [Him]” (Matthew 16:24).
I couldn’t imagine such thoughts until a friend of mine, began expressing such sentiments. “Pray for me,” he’d say. “God listens to you. He doesn’t listen to me.”
How sad it must be to think that God doesn’t hear you, to feel all alone, tossed by circumstances, without an anchor to stay firm, or a sail to move forward in life.
The reality is that God is always with us, and He always hears our prayers. Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us that “The Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave you or forsake you.”
What comfort there is in that promise! Just think of it – the Creator of all that ever is, was, and ever will be, has promised that He will always be with you. Whether you believe in Him or not, God is omnipresent.
When times are difficult, we need to seek God’s presence. We don’t need to face our difficulties alone. While I strive to listen, comfort, and reassure my friends when they need me – how much more amazing is it to know that “there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24)?
We don’t need to ask where God is when times are tough. He is with us, and His strength will see us through our difficulties. In my darkest hours, when I’ve felt most rejected by the world, I’ve grown closer to my Savior. I know He’s there, and that thought gives me comfort.
God is with me, and He’s right there with you, too.