Haven’t seen it, but I believe it

Haven’t seen it, but I believe it

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

God often sends me messages of hope in the lyrics of songs that I hear in my sleep. I wake up with the words running through my head, and the messages stay with me all day long. 

While I’ve always been able to recognize the songs when I wake, I couldn’t do so on a recent occasion. The lyrics were incredibly powerful, but I couldn’t place them. 

I smiled, nevertheless, even before turning on the light, as the message was profound. Victory is coming. God is moving! Even though I’m not at the finish line yet, I can still claim the assurance of my triumph in Christ. Something is right on the horizon, and it’s a powerful gift from God. I can feel it. I need to believe it. 

A few weeks ago, the executive that I support told me he was stepping down. The next day he was gone, without a backward glance. A week later, I was advised that my position was being abolished, and I would be moved to a different role – one that would task me with responsibilities entirely out of my field of expertise. Needless to say, I was worried – and then I gave my worries to God. 

Ironic, I thought, that I would leave a job out of uncertainty for my future only to move to a job that has led to an uncertain future. 

And so, my career search continues. I am blessed to still be employed. I could have easily been let go – and yet, mercifully, I remain. While my new role is being defined, I can sometimes feel the apprehension building inside me. And then I give my concerns to God. Over and over, again, the loop continues. I worry. God reminds me that He is in control, and then I consciously give my burdens to Him. 

That’s when I woke with the song lyrics in my head. I could hear the tune and the chorus but couldn’t recognize the song. I knew it was a male singer and had a feeling it must be Danny Gokey – one of my favorite contemporary Christian artists. I wrote down what I remembered hearing while the words were still vivid in my mind.

“He is movin’ in the victory. Good things are comin’, even when we can’t see. But we believe it. Yes, we believe it. Hallelujah for the victory.” 

I smiled to myself at the memory and knew I needed to acknowledge the message that God was giving me, deep in my soul. Victory is coming. God has prepared a profound blessing for me. I may not have acquired it yet, but I still needed to credit Him for the impending triumph. 

After performing a quick search of Danny Gokey songs, I found the one whose message I’d subliminally secured – “Haven’t seen it yet.” The title, the lyrics, and, more importantly, the message is irrefutable. We don’t know what the future holds for each of us, but we must trust that God knows and has our best interests at heart. The journey to reach His plan may be difficult, and yet He asks us to trust Him. I do. I know God holds my tomorrow in the palm of His hand, and He will reveal it when the time is right. 

For now, I will rest in the knowledge that “good things are coming even when I can’t see.” I believe that with all my heart and soul. 

I fully entrust my life to God. I may not know what will happen tomorrow, but whatever occurs in this life or the next, my Creator has already proclaimed my victory!

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